Sequel: The Past Is Behind Us
Status: My first kidnap fic - Finished! Sequel up --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->^^^^^^^

Four More Days

It became clear; scream or run, and die

Damn my life sucks as of the last hour!

He licked my lip and I let him in. I felt his heart beat on my chest and his erection against my leg. I kissed him back like I didn’t have a gun jabbing me in the back, like I wasn’t just raped by some mafia guy in front of my parents.

I lay there as he put him self away then pulled my panties back over me, ignoring the blood that mixed with his cum on my legs.

Syn grinned and chuckled.

That was the last thing I herd before sleep claimed me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avenged Sevenfold, they own themselves. I do own all offical characters and the plot.
  1. BOOM!
  2. Not what I’d expect from rapist, ***er, kidnapping, mafia guys.
  3. A whole day?
  4. My favorite of them all
  5. Syn on Cassidy duty
  6. Gave birth to a Gold Fish
  7. The click of the Lock
  8. Zacky's Turn
    CAUTION! RAPE> poorly writen but its still rape.
  9. Black
  10. He always did
  11. The Music Room
  12. Johnny's turn
    CAUTION! RAPE> poorly writen but its still rape.
  13. More Music Room
  14. The Rev's turn
    CAUTION! RAPE> poorly writen but its still rape.
  15. COD
  16. Creative
    CAUTION! RAPE> poorly writen and kinky
  17. I'm Free
    Don't let the name fool you
  18. The Hospital Room
  19. Mad Hatter
  20. News
  21. The News is
  22. The Final Chapter - sequel up