Status: Active

Built From Scars


Zacky’s pov

We were in the studio working on our new album, it was pretty kick ass. Johnny was currently recording his bass part. “Aw, fuck stupid bass.” Johnny said when he screwed up the same bit again. Brian chuckled, “having a bit of trouble there short shit?” Johnny frowned at him. “Aw, it’s okay, you’ll get it, and then you can go back to your munchkin friends and bitch about Brian together.” Jimmy said, Matt looked at him strangely and laughed, “Only you Jim.” Johnny grumbled and got back to his bass. Some one’s phone went off, “Okay, which one of you idiots left their phones on?” Matt demanded. Johnny gave a sheepish smile before looking at his phone, “Err, I'm going to take this, I'll be back in a sec.” Matt sighed heavily, “whatever Johnny.” Johnny got up and so did I, “I am going to get a snack.” I said. The guys nodded. “Oh! I want a snack! Get me snickers, and a kit Kat, and some gummy bears, and…” “Jimmy!” I said cutting him off, he looked at me questioningly, “Just come with me.” He smiled and jumped up. When we walked outside Johnny was standing in the empty hallway talking to whoever was on the phone. I presumed Kris because she had gone to visit her family this week and wouldn’t be back until Sunday. “No, she’s not back yet…. Not till Sunday….. Its okay I can do it…. Don’t worry about it…. I can just make something up…. Okay, I'll be there, see you soon.” Johnny smiled at us as we walked past and went back into the room. “Dun dun dun!” jimmy said. “What?” I asked. He shrugged “It seemed appropriate, it was a very mysterious phone call.” … “We have returned, and we bring precious gifts from afar!” Jimmy announced bursting into the room. “Awesome, I'm starving” said Matt. I looked around the room finding it empty of Johnny, “Hey, where’d Johnny go?” Matt tried to answer but his mouth was full of god knows what. Brian rolled his eyes, “He said something about having somewhere to be and took off, and he said he wasn’t doing anything anyway.” That’s strange, I looked over at jimmy and He seemed to be thinking the same thing as me. Jimmy told them about what we had overheard in the hall way. “I don’t want to assume things about my friends, but I'll go over to his house tomorrow and talk to him, if there is any chance he is cheating on Kris I'll kick his ass.” I said.
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