Turns So Cold

Stars Are Falling

I let Abbey run off to go play with a few of the other children before hurrying back to the lake to see that girl again. I needed to help her... I quickly got into the boat and rowed out to the middle of the lake, shivering a little. It really was freezing, but that didn't matter to me at the moment. I stopped rowing and looked over the side and into the water, thinking of the girl's face.

Images started to swirl around and I was taken back to Earth again, but to a snowy forest this time. I saw the girl sitting under a tall tree on the fresh snow and I quietly walked closer. Her head snapped up, her icy blue eyes wide. I held up my hands to show that I wasn't going to hrt her, but she didn't relax.

"Who the hell ae you and why are you here?" She asked, only a faint trace of nervousness in her voice.

"My name is Gerard... I'm not gonna hurt you. I just..." I quickly thought up a lie. "I heard someone in the forest and I wanted to see who it was. That's all..." She relaxed only a little, but tensed up again when I stepped closer. I held my hands up again and sat in the cold snow where I was instead of going closer.

"Why are you sitting down?" She frowned and watched my every move, still tensed up.

"I'm tired..." I frowned. This was going to be harder than I thought... She moved her arms and I caught a quick glimpse at bruises on her wrist, like someone had grabbed them tight.

"What happened?" I asked softly, eyes still on her wrists. She quicky hid them in her sleeves and glared at me.

"None of your fucking business. Why're you so nosey? You don't even know me." She scowled and started to get up, muttering something I didn't catch under her breath.

"What did you say?" I asked her, frowning.

"Nothing." She glared again and stood.

"No, wait. I'm sorry for asking you that- please don't go. I'm sorry." I frowned more as she stood in the spot she had been sitting in.

"Why should I stay? I don't know you." I took in a deep breath and came out with the truth.

"Because I'm your guardian angel."
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I'm so so so sorry this is so late...