Status: 1 of 50

Baby Girl, I Was Stupid


She used him. He knew that. She was sorry… He knew that too, but it was simply too late. He thought he was in love with her so he gave her everything. Diamond rings, name brand everything, and everything else you could think of. Not because he was trying to buy her with gifts, but because he simply thought she deserved the best. That is when he heard the conversation that broke him apart.

“Hi! Yeah he is so stupid! How could I ever love him? I mean he has money and is famous, it’s a win win. I mean really, I thought he was smart, but apparently he wasn’t that smart.” That comment alone broke Cameron into pieces.

He cried over her and then she had the audacity to text sorry… claiming she missed him. He was disgusted. He cried enough tears over her and wasn’t about to waste anymore. He returned or sold everything he ever bought her before he left her and gave all the money to charity. He burned everything he had of her and had officially given up on love. He had one girlfriend and she used him so he was done.

Then he saw her. Everyone called her M. She was just that girl that made everyone smile as if it was her job, when he job was simply to get everyone what they wanted whether it be coffee or a burrito. He never really saw her before. He looked at her, but never saw her, but when their eyes met after he dumped Her he knew there was something there. He noticed when she saw him looking at her she blushed. He was so confused by her however. How can a girl with such a lame job barely making any money at all, just enough to stay on tour with them and live be so peppy and everyone’s go to person for a smile, advice, a hug, or a laugh.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, on tour went to her at some point for something. He often went to her for girl advice, and often times she would tell him not to buy Her things, but he didn’t listen and where did that get him; though she did make sure that he did the right things. He asked her for advance for planning surprises and everything like that, but then he finally noticed the way she looks at him and saw she loves him. And it through him through a loop because she loved him to the point where she simply wanted him to be happy with or without her.

A day after really seeing her he realized he has subconsciously been falling for her for awhile and it was finally time to do something about it.