Status: Active as long as I can continue to think of ideas!

Fall Apart

Take Me Dancing

If there was one thing I hated, it was confrontation. I always had. And I knew this little talk between the three sitting before me wasn't going to be much of a difference.

Jimmie, Matt, and Dennis stared at me from across the room, as I paced back and forth trying to say everything that I needed to to get my point across. You'd think I would have thought of what to say on my way over here, but I didn't. I was too busy worrying about what I woud say to Cole the next time I saw her. But than again I didn't want to see her.

"Josh? You okay?" Dennis questioned catiously. I sighed, and stopped pacing. Glancing at my three concerned bandmates, and took a seat across from the couch they were sitting on.

"Okay I don't even know how to start." I stated, almost to myself.

"How about sorry?" Matt suggested. I looked up, and stared at him. He looked back expectatny.

"You're right, I should strt with that. I am truly sorry. I hve been the biggest idiot on the planet. And I can't even understand why I would be so stupid as to think that Tessa cheated on me, even though my best friends, you guys, knew right away it was all a big lie. And then I just acted like an asshole to you guys, and I shouldn't of have. I'm sorry, I really am."

"Look Josh. We all make mistakes. We forgive you. I mean we all knew you would come around sooner or later. But seriously man, what the hell are you doing here?" Dennis asked.

"What?" I replied confused as to what he was getting at.

"I mean, why are you here and not trying to get Tessa back?" at the sound of his words, I stood up waved goodbye and headed out to my car. Dennis was right. I needed to go get Tessa back. I just didn't know what I wanted to say.

Tessa's Point Of View

"Oh shit! Katie don't open the door you idiot! What are you doing! Toby is going to get you! Oh my god!" I screamed bloody murder at the sound of knocking at the door.

Immdediately I flipped off Paranormal Activity 3 and turned on the lights, making a mental note never to watch a scary movie by myself and at night time again.

I grabbed my cell phone just in case it wax a murderer and I could make a quick 911 call, and opened the door. Except it wasn't a murderer, it was just Josh. Josh.

"Uh, hi?" I said soflty, trying to think of reasons why he would want to be here.

"Could-Could I come in?" he asked nervousy. I shook my head yes, and led him inside. We walked into the kitchen, and I took a seat the kitchen table, and Josh chose to pace around the kitchen making me nervous.

"Look Tess. I have literally been the biggest jack ass on the planet. I don't even know what I need to say to make it better. I shouldn't have believed Cole right away, and I should have come to you first thing. I just I was still so fucking heart broken that I just wanted to believe it. But I see now it was all wrong. I see how stupid I was.

How stupid I was to not only believe Cole, but think that Jimmie was with you. I mean I wanted
to be with Cole so badly, just because it was pissing me off so much just thinking that Jimmie got to have you. I mean I was so completely jealous of that fact that Jimmie would get to be e one you called when you were scared, or mad, or just happy for no apparent reason. That Jimmie would be the one you would dance in the rain with outside of Taco Bell. That Jimmie would get to wake up to your beautiful face every fucking morning.

But what I'm trying to say is. Is Tessa I am so sorry. I don't even know what more I can say, though that's much. I just-" I cut him off, and leaned up to kiss him. To my pleasure he kissed back.

After a second or two I pulled back, and stared at his brown eyes smirking. "Do you really think I would dance in the rain in front of Taco Bell with just anybody?" he shook his head no, and looked at me.

"But this doesn't mean your off the hook for believe Cole." I started. I laued as josh's face went from happy to disappointed.

"But I'll tell you how you can make it up to me. Go outside. Come back in two seconds. We'll start all over, and you can take me to Taco Bell." I grinned. He laughed and did as he was told.

I grabbed my purse, and opened the door to find Josh. "Hi. My names Josh. I was just wondering if you would would be mine, and go on a date with me to Taco Bell?" I laughed, and pulled him the prking lot.

It was time to start a new. Hopefully this time it would end well.
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Link to my Jimmie story:

The Story Left Untold