Status: Main Priority

The Day I Left The Womb

If You See Mother, Tell Her I Can Sing.


I sat down on the stool placed on the stage. The spot light was placed on me as I placed my acoustic guitar on my lap. I couldn't see anyone in the crowd, just shadows of people sitting at their tables.

I played at a local bar in Nevada every Tuesday and Thursday. Mostly it was the same locals who came in all the time. I was never going to get a contract playing here all the time, but right now it paid for the food on my table. Plus the bar owner, Danny, helps me out a lot. I owe him a lot. He is the father I never had.

I readjusted my microphone and cleared my throat. "Hello everyone. My name is Anberlin, which I'm sure most of you know. Thanks for coming out tonight and I hope you enjoy."

I began to strum the beat to the song. "This is a song by Escape the Fate, It's called, "The Day I Left The Womb."

"Mother, where are you today?
You took a piece of me the day you went away..."


"Thank you guys so much. Enjoy the rest of your night and I will see you on Thursday." I said as I finished my set and packed up my Acoustic.
Danny finished closing up the bar and I helped him clean everything up.
"Here you go." I turned to him and he counted out my pay for tonight. "You also got a tip."
"What?" I asked confused as I put my cash in my front pocket.
He handed me an extra forty dollars. "From who?" I asked as I took the tip.
"Not sure, He didn't say his name. He wasn't a regular though. I can tell you that." Danny replied.
I shrugged and added the extra money into my pocket. I lit up a cigarette before grabbing the case by the handle.
"See you Thursday Danny!" I called out to him as I exited out the side door.

I began to head towards my car when something caught the corner of my eye. I turned to face the object that had caught my attention. Someone was laying in the alley way sprawled out on their back.
"Typical drunk." I sighed to myself and shook my head.
"Sir..." I called out. No response. "Hey, are you alright?!" I called out again.
There was no movement. No groan, no twitch, no reply, nothing.
I hesitantly walked toward the figure, making sure to look around to make sure no one was going to jump out at me.
The street light only stretched out so far into this alley. I was running out of light. It wasn't until I got close enough that I realized this wasn't a drunk, but a victim of being jumped.
"Oh god." I slid down beside him to make sure he was still breathing. His chest was still moving up and down. I placed my hand on his face. He slowly turned his head towards me and groaned in pain.
"Hey. Just be easy. I'm going to get you some help, just don't move." I spoke.
"No hospitals." He muttered.
"Are you crazy?! You need to be looked at by a professional. You're not in the best shape." I exclaimed.
"I can't. I really don't need press right now." He spoke softly before coughing.
"What? What are you talking about?" I questioned. "You know what, nevermind. None of my business."

I heard the bar front door being shut and locked up.
"Danny!" I yelled. I heard hurried footsteps coming towards us. "Danny over here!" I exclaimed.
He rushed over to us. "Is everything okay? Whoa.. He doesn't look so good. Did you call the police?!" He exclaimed as he reached for his phone.
"No ambulances. He refuses to go to the hospital." I answered.
"And your listening to him?" He questioned.
"Look, it is none of my business. I'll just bring him to my place, fix him as best as I can, and the rest is on him. Just help me get him to my car."
"Are you sure that is wise Anberlin?" He asked.
"I'm not going to leave him here." I answered.
Danny sighed, but reluctantly agreed. He helped put the man in my back seat to lay down.

"You call me if you need anything." Danny spoke sternly.
"Danny, he is pretty fucked up. I don't think he is going to hurt me." I joked.
"Anything." He emphasized again.
"I promise."


I parked in the driveway of the apartment complex and went to the back seat.
"Think you can walk with some assistance?" I asked.
"Worth a shot." He groaned as I slowly helped him up. Once he stood up out of the car, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I looped my arm around his waist. We made it to my floor and I managed to unlock my room and get him onto the couch.
Looking at him in the full light, he looked even worse. Whoever jumped him definitely planned to beat the complete and total utter shit out of him. For what reason, was unknown to me.

I grabbed some stuff to clean up his cuts, ice bags, bandages.
"This shit sucks, fair warning." I said before beginning to clean his cuts. He winced, but I just ignored it and continued to clean his wounds. None were very deep, but I had no idea if he had any internal injuries. I wasn't exactly a doctor.

"What's your name?" I spoke trying to get him to focus on something.
"Ronnie." He replied as he winced again.
"I'm Anberlin." I introduced myself as I applied some bandages.
"I know you are." I raised an eyebrow to his response.
"How do you know who I am?" I asked.
"I saw you at the bar." He replied. Duh, of course.

I piled all the bandages up and picked them up to throw them away.
"You played my song." I stopped mid step as I headed to the kitchen.
I turned to face him. I didn't even notice at all. It must have been because it was so dark.
"There was a lot of anger in your eyes. I could feel the emotion pouring out of you when you played it. I've never seen so much intensity before." He continued.
"I just have a lot of anger I guess." I was sure how else to reply.

The room was silent as I stood there, not knowing what to do or say.
"Uh, well... The kitchen is here of course. Help yourself. There is tons of food, soda, beer, whatever you want. Bathroom is down the hall first door on the left. My room is the last door on the right. You can take my room if you like..."
"The couch is fine. I'm intruding enough." He replied.
"Oh, um, okay. Well the blankets and pillows are in the closet right there." I said pointing to it. "I need to get some sleep, but I'll see you in the morning. Good night." I said and began to walk towards my room.
"Anberlin..." I turned around.
"Why are you helping me? You don't know me. I'm just some guy that you met in an alley beat up. Why didn't you just call the police and just continue with your life?"
His question caught me off guard.
"You didn't want that... I don't know. I mean I didn't understand what you meant then, but now I do. You needed help. I never had anyone. Whenever I was in trouble, I was alone. I didn't want you to feel as I always did." I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. "Goodnight Ronnie."

I quickly went to my room and collapsed on my bed. I stared at the ceiling letting everything sink in.

What had I gotten myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
Something that kind of popped into my head. It seemed better in my head, but I figure I'll give it a whirl on here. It'll get better I promise. Hope you enjoyed it.