Status: Main Priority

The Day I Left The Womb

Please Don't Worry, I Am Doing Fine.


The sun shined through my thin window curtains. I slowly opened my eyes to let them readjust to the light. I turned my head to look over at my clock.
"8:06 am."
I groaned as I rolled back over onto my back and sprawled my arms out. I closed my eyes as I replayed the moments of last night in my head.

I thought Ronnie was still in jail. I mean I didn't really keep tabs on his sentence. What were the odds of something like this seriously happening?

I sat up in my bed and placed my feet down on the cold tiled floor. I made my way over to my bedroom door and slowly turned the handle. My door had the tendency to creak and If he was still here, I didn't to wake him. That is if he is still asleep. I walked into the living room to find him stretched out on the couch, clad in only his skinny jeans. I looked at him with worry and pain. He had dark bruises forming on his ribs and stomach, along with some on his arms blending into his tattoos. I was praying that he didn't have any kind of internal injuries. Down on the floor next to him was his shirt. It was soaked in blood minus certain spots and his jacket was laid out on the recliner.

I grabbed his shirt and threw it in the wash. I didn't know when he would wake up, but hopefully it'd be done by the time he did.

I jumped into a hot shower to help wake me up and get my day started. I stood in the shower for quite some time just thinking of everything. Everything from my past up until now. I turned the shower off and wrapped the towel around me as I stepped out. I wiped the fog from the mirror as I brushed my hair and then brushed my teeth.

I headed to my room in search of something to wear today. I put on a pair of my black skinny jeans and a purple tank top. A soft knock came at my door. I turned in it's direction and saw Ronnie standing there with his knuckles on the door.
"Morning." He spoke.
"Morning, how are you feeling?" I asked. My eyes lingered back on his bruises. It had then become apparent to him that I was staring, without noticing myself until it was too late.
"They look worse then they feel. I'll be alright." He answered.
"Sorry." I said as I quickly looked away and blushed slightly.

"This is kind of a ridiculous question, but I was wondering if you knew where my shirt was..." He asked breaking the awkward silence.
"Its in the washer." I answered. "It was completely soaked with blood. I figured I'd wash it for you. I didn't think you'd want to walk around looking like you murdered someone." I mentally slapped myself as soon as I finished that sentence. By the look on Ronnie's face, I had struck a nerve.
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I just meant..." I trailed off feeling completely embarrassed. "Sorry." I muttered letting my eyes trail away again.
"It's okay." He spoke.

I started going through my dresser looking for something that could fit him. I pulled out an plain black tank top. "It's my ex's, but it might fit you." I said as I offered it to him.
He took it gently from my hands and put it on. It fit him perfectly.
"Thanks." He said and offered a gracious smile.
I returned it, still feeling horrible for what I had said.
"It looks better on you." I spoke without thinking. It was the truth though. He looked a lot better in it then my ex...
Ronnie raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"I was going to make some coffee if you're interested." I offered trying to change the subject quickly.
I went into the kitchen as he went back to the couch and turned on the tv. "You probably won't find anything good to watch. I have basic cable." I called from the kitchen. I walked into the living room with two cups of coffee and sat by Ronnie.
He turned off the tv after realizing what I meant. "Thanks." He said as he took the cup.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Do you know who jumped you?"
"Personally? No. It could be something Escape The Fate related or it could just be a wrong place at the wrong time scenario. I don't know." He answered.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked in return.
"Sure." I replied.
"Do you sing The day I left the womb with so much emotion just because of the lyrics or is there something more to that?" He asked.
"There is more to it. It is honestly, a mixture of things. I didn't exactly have the best childhood I guess." I replied. "Please, don't take offense to me not explaining more. I'm just not much of an open book with people I just meet." I added.
"Its alright. I understand." He spoke.

"I should probably head out." Ronnie spoke as he stood up. "Couple of my friends were actually expecting me this morning. My phone is off so I can only imagine how much it would be blowing up right now." He chuckled.
"Do you want a ride?" I asked.
"I really don't want to hassle you more than I already have."
"It wouldn't be a problem. Really. I'm actually going out anyways." I replied quickly.
"If you're sure." He responded with a smile.

I grabbed my purse and my keys and we headed out. His place wasn't too far from my place. Twenty minutes at the most. I pulled into his driveway and left the car running.
"Thanks for the ride and well, everything." He said and I smiled.
"Anytime." I replied and he returned a smile.
"See you around Anberlin."

We didn't exchange numbers, but fate has a funny way of bringing people together...
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Comments would be appreciated. :D
Thanks! <3