Status: Main Priority

The Day I Left The Womb

Look Into My Eyes, You Will See The Light...


"How've you been? It's been..."
"Months." We said together. I chuckled as we both smiled at each other.
"I didn't know you had a new band together." I said.
"Yeah, it was a little project I was working on. We went to Florida to record and here we are." He replied.
"You guys are amazing. It was an awesome show." I spoke.
"Thanks." He smiled.
"Well uh, we should probably go. I don't want to hold your fans up. It was really good to see you again Ronnie." I said.
"Alright, See you around Anberlin." He replied.

I felt Janey's eyes fall upon me as we walked away. I looked at her. She looked at me stunned.
"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"When were you going to decide to tell me that you know RONNIE RADKE!?" She exclaimed and I stopped and turned to her.
She stopped instantly, giving me an incredulous look.
I sighed. "It's kind of a long story. You probably wouldn't believe it if I told you."

Janey was about to respond until we heard a familiar voice call my name. We both turned our heads in the direction of the voice and saw Ronnie catching up with us.
"Hey, I was just wondering. The band and I are going to be getting together at this club. We have a little VIP section set up. We were wondering if you two wanted to join us."
"Uh, Well I'm not sure. We're suppose to..." I trailed off and looked at Janey, who was in complete shock, and she looked at me wide eyed as if to say, "Don't you dare turn him down."
"You know what, sure why not." I turned back to him and smiled.
"Alright, cool." He smiled in return. "How about we exchange numbers and meet up at the club?"
"I would, but that would be completely useless." I said and pulled out my phone to show the damage. "Dropped it during your set. People were pretty ecstatic when you shouted that you were back." I chuckled.
"Shit, man I'm sorry." He looked at the damages of my phone. "I'll make it up to you. I'll buy you a new one tomorrow."
"Oh, you don't have to do that." I quickly replied. Fans slowly started piling around us, trying to get Ronnie's attention.
"I want to. I still owe you a lot."
I sighed.

"So, is there a way I can get in touch with you two?" Ronnie asked as he started to sign some autographs with some fans.
"You can take my number? It's a shitty phone, but it at least works." Janey responded.
"Alright," They each exchanged numbers. "Cool, well I'll see you two later. I should probably get back to the tent before they kill me." He spoke and was led back to the tent by one of their security.
I turned back to Janey after watching him leave. She stood with her arms crossed. "We're going to sit somewhere and you're telling me everything!" She exclaimed.


"So, let me get this straight. You met Ronnie after helping him from an Alleyway and from sudden death and he was IN your house?! Now two months later you are seeing each other again..."
"That's the story." I replied.
"I just have one question..." She responded.
I leaned my head back on the tree we took shelter under.
"Ronnie stayed at your house... and you DIDN'T INVITE ME?!" Janey exclaimed.
I sighed and closed my eyes after hitting my head once on the tree. "Janey please promise me something."
"Please please PLEASE don't fan-girl on me at the club." I practically begged.
"Under one circumstance."
I reluctantly agreed. "Fine, what?"
"You don't ask to use my phone to contact Jake at all AND" She emphasized 'And' "I can get as wasted as I want, since you don't drink anyway."
I face palmed. "Jake will kill me." I muttered.
She then sighed and said, "Fine. Text him from my phone. Tell him you're phone is dead and we are getting a hotel. So he knows, after that NOTHING!"
"Excuse me, a hotel..?"
"Falling in Reverse is playing about an hour away tomorrow. I need to see them as much as possible before they leave the state tomorrow."
"How are we going to pay for it?" I questioned.
"Don't worry about that I got it covered."
"I can't believe I am agreeing to this." I groaned as I put my hand out.

I quickly texted Jake and then gave the phone back to her after shaking on it.



Janey and I were sitting in our hotel room, complimentary of her father's credit card, waiting for Ronnie's text.
"I knew I should have brought extra clothes." Janey pouted as she applied new makeup.
"Janey, we're just going to a club with the boys." I responded as I sat on the long bathroom counter.
"I love how you say it so calmly. It is Falling in Reverse. Shit like this doesn't happen on a daily basis! Not to me!" She exclaimed, pausing doing her face, and gave me an exasperated look.
"They're only humans..."
"They're famous."
"Still just regular people like you and I."
"Look, Ronnie has been a huge influence for me. Back in Escape the Fate and even know. You know this. You and I were huge fans back in the day. This is like a dream come true..."
I looked over at her. She looked down at her hands as she twiddled her fingers. I didn't realize how important this was her to and I should have. She has idolized Ronnie for years. Of course this is an important moment for her.
"I'm sorry Janey."
"There is no need to apologize." She smiled softly at me. "I just hope you understand why I'm acting this way."

Janey finished her makeup and messed with her long black hair. She had put it in loose curls for the concert. Somehow her hair managed to stay looking amazing. She always had that luck. The makeup she applied made her stunning green eyes look lighter. She had her snakebite piercings in and I noticed she had put in new gauges. She was also covered in tattoos. I believe she had at least 8. Down her arms, she had a full sleeve dedicated to "Where The Wild Things Are" because it was her favorite story as a kid. They rest of her tattoos were a mix of miscellaneous things that she liked.

I jumped off the counter and looked at my own reflection. My slightly wavy blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun. I tucked a piece of my bang behind my ear. Janey was stunning. I was a plain Jane compared to her. I had no pierings. Not even my ears. No tattoos. I barely wore makeup. Janey always tried to get me to get a tattoo with her, but I always refused. I also never drank or did any drugs. She always teased me about being a "Good Girl."

"I heard a knock upon my door the other day. I opened it to find death staring in my face..."
"He is calling! Ronnie is calling!"
"The fear of mortal stalking still reverberates. Everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case!"
"So answer it!" I exclaimed as the instrumental part began.
"I'm too nervous, please answer it!" She shoved her phone at me.
"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed.
"PLEASE! Before he hangs up!" Her eyes pleaded along with her words.
I sighed and hit the answer button on her phone.
"Oh, hey." I smiled as his voice rang through the phone.
"Speaker... put it on speaker..." Janey whispered to me. I did as she asked.
"So, we're going to be headed over to the Club in about 40 minutes or so. I can text you the directions and have you two meet us whenever you're ready?" He offered.
"Yeah, sounds good to us."
"Alright, well guess we will see you then. Text me whenever you two get here." He replied.
"Alright, Bye!" I hung up.

"Alright, let's do something about your look." I groaned.


11:30 pm.

Janey and I stood in front of the club. She curled my hair and did my makeup after going to the store to get the necessarily things. It was a pretty good sized club and there were a lot of people waiting to get inside.
"I think this is an exclusive club. It looks like you have to be on a list to get inside..." I spoke as I looked at the bouncer with a clipboard.
"Well, Ronnie invited us, so maybe we're on the list. Worth a shot."
I prepared myself for embarrassment as we walked up to the bouncer.
"Can I help you two?" The bouncer asked as he blocked our way. He already sounded like he was in a horrible mood.
"Maybe this is a bad idea." I whispered to her. She shrugged me off.
"We should be on the list. Ronnie Radke invited us to join him."
A girl at the front of the line beside him scoffed at us. "Sure he did..." She muttered.
My cheeks turned slightly red. Part irritated. Part embarrassed.

The bouncer raised an eyebrow. "Names?"
"Janey Scott and Anberlin Petersin." She spoke with confidence. I shuffled my feet slightly as I avoided contact with everyone.
He checked the list once or twice and then shook his head. "Not there. Either of you. I'd suggest you head that way," He said pointing to the line that was a mile long, "and get in line with the rest.
The girl in front of the line snickered at us.
"Well why don't you go tell Ronnie that we are here. Or I could just call him," She said pulling out her phone, "it's up to you."
The bouncer suddenly looked amused. "Please do."
"Fine." Janey shurgged and dialed Ronnie's number.
After ringing a couple times, he answered. "Hey Ronnie. Yeah we're here. Okay. No, he won't let us in. Alright... Alright. Thanks." She hung up the phone.
"He'll be here in a few minutes." She said to me. I nodded in response.

The front door opened and Ronnie smiled at us. "Hey John, they're with us. Sorry I meant to put them on the list." He spoke to the bouncer.
"Sure thing." The bouncer unclipped the velvet rope blocking the doorway and let us inside.
Ronnie wrapped his arms around both of our shoulders. "Sorry about that." He shouted to us as we entered the club.
"Oh, it's fine." Janey replied. "Seeing that girl in the front of the line's expression was worth it!"

We headed over to their V.I.P. section and walked over to meet the other guys.
"Everyone, this is Anberlin and Janey. Ladies, this is Jacky, Derek, Mika, and Ryan." He introduced as he pointed each one out.
"It's nice to meet all of you." We sat down with Ronnie. I sat between Ronnie and Jacky. I was usually one of the socially awkward ones who stayed on their phone. I wasn't usually good with meeting new people.
"So you're Anberlin." I heard a thick accent speak. I turned to look at Jacky.
I raised an eyebrow unsure how to respond.
"Ronnie talked about you once or twice. Told us about how you saved his ass." He grinned.
I smiled in return. "I was just doing what I would do for anyone. It really isn't that big a deal." I responded and looked at Ronnie and Janey deep in conversation. I'm sure it was about music. I smiled as I saw how happy she was. She waited forever for a moment like this. A moment she thought would never happen.
"Well, it isn't something that he takes lightly. In his eyes, you saved his life."
"Why does he keep saying that? He doesn't owe me anything." I responded irritated.
"Well, he probably won't let it go until he feels he has re-payed you in full."
"Can you talk him out of it?" I asked and he chuckled.
"I think you already know the answer to that..." He replied. "I need a drink! Who wants one?!" Jacky stood up and exclaimed.
"Me!" Janey exclaimed as well and shot up. "I'll go with you."

I zoned out as everyone was saying what they wanted. Ronnie nudged me. "Huh?" I asked and looked around quickly.
"Did you want a drink?" He asked.
"Oh, no thanks..."
"She doesn't drink. She's a good girl." Janey spoke and winked at me.
"Haha." I commented back sarcastically as she walked off with Jacky.
"You alright? You look a little spaced." Ronnie asked.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I just think my boyfriend will be pissed at me." I replied.
"Ah, guy problems huh?"
"No, it isn't that. It is just, I told him that we would be home after the concert. Then my phone broke and I had to text on Janey's and tell him we were now staying at a hotel because she wants to go to your show tomorrow. I never saw it reply, but I can guess what it is..."
"He seems like the controlling type..."
"I don't really want to talk about this..." I spoke as I started to shut him out.

An awkward silence crept it. "Well... how has the last two months been treating you?" He asked.
"I've got a full band together now." I spoke proudly. "We're called His Fatal Desire."
"You guys any good?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I like to think that we are. Just not getting any response. We've sent in a couple demos to recording companies, but we haven't had anyone wanting to sign us on the label. I'm not sure what we're doing wrong."
"Maybe I could pull some strings..."
"Oh, no I couldn't ask you to do that. Please don't." I quickly stopped him.
"Why?" He asked confused, almost offended.
"It isn't that I don't want your help. It would be a dream to be on same tours with you and on a possible same label, but there would be no satisfaction."
Ronnie got a completely puzzled look on his face. I felt I was offending him.
"I'm explaining this all wrong. Okay, getting into the companies and fighting to be heard is half the battle. If I had someone kick down the door for me, I feel I'm cheating myself from pursuing my passion myself. Do you get what I mean?"
Understanding began to fill his features as he nodded. "I can respect that."



Time was flying by as we all hung out and laughed together. Finding out common interests and things that we had different views on. Just kicking back and enjoying each others company.
Janey was on her sixth drink and she was just completely drunk. She downed another shot that Jacky put in front of her.
"Janey, I think it is time to get you to the hotel room..." I spoke as I stood up from the table.
"No! I'm having so much fun!" She whined as she pouted.
"You've have enough and it is getting late. We really should just go to the hotel and..."
"You know what your problem is Anberlin?" She spoke as she leaned on the table and pointed at me.
Oh jeez... Here we go.
"You don't... you just don't." She paused to hiccup. "You don't know how to have fun. You're just too much of a..." She looked away from me confused.
I raised an eyebrow at her.
"A GOOD GIRL!" She yelled and smiled.
"Loosen up, have... have a drink." She said taking Derek's drink from his hand and taking a large gulp.
"You're too much... in a rush." She said taking another sip. "To go back to that asshole you call a ...a... boyfriend." She finished.

"Alright Janey! Let's go!" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the booth.
Janey had the tendency to say things that were really personal and shouldn't be talked about when she was wasted. I needed to get her out of here before she spilled anything about my past with Jake.
"Sorry guys, thanks for inviting us out." I said starting to take Janey out of the club.
"Anberlin, wait!" I heard Ronnie call as he rushed through the crowd to reach us.
I stopped and looked at him. "Let me help, just to make sure you get to the car safe." I reluctantly agreed. I was afraid she would say something, but I didn't want to go outside alone. I couldn't defend Janey and I alone.
"Okay." I nodded. He took Janey's arm from me and wrapped his arm around her waist helping me bring her to the car.

Please don't say anything Janey... Please. I begged in my head.

We reached the car and went to the passenger side door. "Ronnie..." Janey muttered.
"Yes?" He asked.
"You're an awesome guy and you're really fucking attractive... I'm just so..."
"Okay Janey. Watch your leg." I spoke as I closed her door to prevent her from embarrassing herself further.
Ronnie walked me over to the driver's side. "Thanks for tonight. It really meant a lot to Janey. She has idolized you for the longest time. She is actually the reason I got into Escape the Fate."
"Anytime. I'm glad you came out. I was surprised to see you at our table. I'm glad we got to catch up." Ronnie smiled.
"Yeah, well you have Janey's number now, so whenever you're in town we should all hang out." I offered.
"Definitely." He nodded. "Or I could just call you for us all to hang out."
"Iphones are kind of expensive and my warranty is up. I don't know when I'll have a phone." I replied honestly.
"You'll have it tomorrow. Consider it an apology for making the fans go crazy." He smirked.
"Ronnie, please stop trying to do favors for me." I begged.
"Will you just let me do something nice for a friend?"

Friend? He considered me a friend?

A smile crept on my face.
"Is that a yes?" He asked as he smiled.
"Ugh! Alright, fine." I agreed.
"I'll call Janey's phone in the morning. They're is a mall about twenty minutes or so. We could meet at you hotel and go to the concert from there after that?"
"Sure, I'll text you all the stuff for the hotel." I replied.
"Goodnight Anberlin." He smiled.
"Night..." I spoke.

Ronnie made his way back to the club. I stood there watching as he entered back inside and out of my view.

In that moment, I felt my life was about to change and go into a whole new direction...
♠ ♠ ♠
Pretty long chapter! :O
I wasn't quite sure how to end this. So... That's it. xD
Comments pleasseeee!
Thanks to my 5 subscribers now! Also thanks to WhitneySheree & ZombieCreatures for commenting and all my silent readers!
Muah! xoxo <3