This Year's Most Open Heartbreak

chapter 6

The class ended. Finally. Everybody bursted out of the class, while mrs. Wentworth
reminded us of some home essay. Wtf? What essay? Oh, you didn’t listen. No. Yes.
No .You heard it mut you didn’t listen. Shit.

Essay. Okay. It must associate somehow to the subject in the class. No kidding? Yes. But
you didn’t concentrate to the lesson, instead, Frank, remember. Shit. What now? I don’t
know what I’m suppose to write that essay about. Ask Frank. No! Why? He’ll think I stared
him the whole lesson and didn’t concentrate at all at the lesson. So what? That’s exactly
what you did. Yeah, but he doesn’t need to know that.

I walked out of the class, and to my locker. Next lesson was chemistry. Should I, for once, go
there? Maybe. I took my chemistry book and shut the locker door.

“Aah!” I screamed as Frank had again appeared behind my locker door. I hate when he
does that. Well, this was only seconds time, but I’m sure there’s gonna be more. I hope. I
mean...I hope there is, but I hate it.

“Did I scare you?” Frank smirked.

“N-no... I just didn’t notice you there, ” I mumbled. Frank smiled.

“I’m not that small, ” he pouted. Oh, how cut he looked.

“Yes you are. But you’re cute just the way you are, ” oh fuck, what did I say.

“I’m cute?” Frank asked. Oh fuck.

“What?” I pretented I didn’t know what he was talking about.

“You said I’m cute.”

“No I didn’t.”

“Yes you did!” Frank shouted.

“Okay, I did. So what?” I spat, almost.

“Nothing...I think you’re cute too, ” Frank said looking down to his feet.

“Cute? Me?” Frank nodded.
“Oh come on, ” I started walking to my chemistry class. So I’m really going there. Idiot.

“What? I think you’re cute. What’s the problem?” Frank followed me.

“First...” I stopped walking. “I’m not cute. I look horrible. And second. Isn’t this little awkward
for say things like these to each other?” I said.

“No..?” Frank rised his eyebrow.

“Okay then… so what do you have now?” I stopped at my class’ door.

“Chemistry...” Frank said and went to the chemistry door. “So does you...i guess, ” he went

“What the- ” I started, but ended and went into class.

After chemistry I had free hour. It means no lessons. What a relief. I went outside, sitting on
a bench. Everybody else had already went to their classes. There was no one else out side.
I almost could smoke right there, in the middle of the school yard. But I better not, cause if
someone sees me, I’ll be in trouble.

I took my sketchbook and started drawing. It was pretty warm out there. Tho it was already
end of september. There’s still eight moths this torture, before summer. I’m glad that I’m
senior, so I can get the hell out of here after school. I’ll be 19 in next april. It’s about time for
move out and do something about your life. Maybe I could start studying art. There’s this one
college in New York,which would be perfect. It’s away from here, but not too far. It’s great
opporturnity. And I think New York is pretty cool place. Better than some shitty New Jersey.
Yeah, that’s where I’m going.

“Hi, ” Frank appeared from somewhere. How does he do that? Sneaks quietly and then
scares you.

“Oh, hi, ” I shut my sketchbook. Frank sat down next to me. Little too close, I guess. Or I
would say. But I don’t mind,right?

“So, you have free hour?” he asked. His hand brushed my thigh.

“Y-yeeh…you?” I gulped and chocked.

“Yep, ” Frank smiled. I like his smile. It’s real. It’s cute and adorable and with at the same
time.But always real.
“I’m sorry about... what happened at the cafeteria... you know... ” Frank looked me little unsure.

“Don’t be. I-I just freaked… It was nothing... forget about it, ” I said. Trying to sound convincing.

His hand brushed against my thigh accidently. Again. I blushed little. Then his fingers
started moving along my thigh like spider legs. They went to my knee and back up to my
thigh,close to my crotch. Not too close. But too close still. You know. We were...friends?
What is he doing. Please stop.

“Gerard...” he said, continuing spidering my thigh.

“Yeah... ” I breathed. I hope he didn’t see as I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch. Oh...

“Gerard, I need to tell you something, ” Frank said, sounding little worried.

“What is it?” I looked him. He took his hand away from my thigh.

“I hope you don’t hate me for this... ” Frank started.

“I won’t. I promise.”

“Gerard.. I know we have known only couple days... but I have to tell you this before we
become more friends... please don’t hate me, ” Frank said.

“I wont...just tell me.”

“I’m…Gerard, I’m gay, ” Frank told me. He’s gay. Okay. Well that’s good. I mean...why would
I hate him? This makes me love him more. I mean like, like him more.

“You’re gay?”

“Yes. I hope you won’t hate me.”

“Why would I hate you?”

“If you’re homophobe...”

“I can’t really be homophobe if I’m gay myself, ” I laughed little. Frank nodded and then
looked me shocked.

“What? You’re gay?” he asked.

“Yes. Why do you think everyone calls me fag then?”

“I thought they just don’t like you...”

“They don’t like me cause I’m a dirty little fag, ” I looked down.

“You’re not dirty, ” I felt Frank’s hand back on my thigh.

“Thanks...” he smiled.

“I hope we can still be friends, ” Frank said.

“Of course, ” I nodded. Hell yeah.