Sequel: I Must Be Dreaming

One Last Kiss

Last One Standing

When I got up to my room Edward was there. I rolled my eyes but there was still a smile on my face. “You know breaking and entering is against the law” he nodded and walked over to me. I blinked slightly and he lifted his hand up and ran a finger slowly over my cheek. I felt my heart speed up as he moved closer to me. He gently pushed a strand of hair out of my face before leaning down and placing his lips on mine.

My entire body froze but I slowly melted into the kiss and leaned up closer to him. He slowly wrapped his arms around me and I tanged mine in his hair. When he pulled away I blinked slightly. “I’m not that strong Shea” I smiled slightly and stepped back. “ok” he looked at me and I walked over to my backpack and tossed it on my bed and sat next to it and pulled my school books out.

I started my math homework before he knelt down next to me and pushed my books away and turned me to face him. “It’s not that I don’t want to kiss you” I smiled slightly. “I understand it’s fine” he looked down and I stood up and walked into my bathroom and opened one of the draws. “What are you doing Shea?” I smiled slightly and pulled a razor blade out and before he could blink I ran the blade over my wrist. “Shea!”

He was in front of me with a towel almost instantly. I ran my finger over the cut before holding it up to his face. He shook his head and I gently traced my finger over his lips. “You need to understand I trust you. And you need to trust not only me but yourself as well” I said. I grabbed the towel out of his hand and pressed it against my wrist and knelt down on the tile and looked under the sink until I found the first aid kit.

I felt his hands omve over mine and I looked up to see his eyed were almost black. He lifted my arm up and then wrapped it up carefully. “That was stupid” I smiled “Yeah, I’m know to act before I think my actions completely threw” he nodded and then looked at me. I smiled and stood up. I jumped up on the counter and he stood in front of me. Before I could blink he leaned over and kissed me.

When we pulled away I couldn’t breath. But in a good way. He smiled slightly and I bit my lip before jumping off the counter. “I have homework” I said before walking back into my room and sitting on my bed. Edward walked over to me before Rose appeared in the room. “Alice needs to talk to you” she said. I blinked and looked at Edward who’s eyes were wide and he nodded before looking at me. “I’ll be back ok” I nodded and he leaned over and kissed me quickly before they were both gone. I shrugged and grabbed my headphones out of my pocket and plugged them into my ears and pushed play on my iPod.

I finished my homework pretty quickly and it didn’t take long for me to get bored. I decided just to go to bed. it was getting late now. I shoved all the shit off my bed before getting under the blankets and falling asleep almost instantly.

When I woke up the next morning Edward was standing by my window. I blinked slightly and buried my head back in my pillow. Man, I had school tomorrow. That just sucked. “I need you to promise me something” I turned my head to see Edward kneeling next to me. I nodded slightly. “Don’t go to Seattle today” I looked at him confused and sat up. “Ok” he smiled and sat next to me. “We have something to take care of there. Just promise me you won’t leave Forks unless it’s to see the wolves”

“Edward what is going on?” I asked as I ran a hand threw my hair. “There are a clan of New Borns running around the city like crazy. I just want to know you are safe” I nodded “Ok, I’ll go see the pack today” he nodded and leaned over and kissed my head before disappearing. I shook my head slightly before standing up. I walked in my bathroom and took a shower before getting dressed.

I grabbed my wallet and keys before walking over to my phone and shoving it in my pocket. I walked out of the house and over to my car and got in. I pulled out of my driveway and started toward the reservation.

I was about halfway there when a deer ran out in front of me. I swerved and slammed on my breaks and ended up on the side of the road. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I got out and looked around to see the Deer hopping into the woods. I took a deep breath and leaned against the car. That just scared the hell out of me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and screamed. I looked over to see a boy. I placed a hand over my heart and took a deep breath. “You scared me. Are you ok?” I asked. He nodded “Yes, but my sister, she is hurt in the woods. I can move her alone. Will you help me?” he asked. Something in me told me it was a terrible idea. That something bad would happen. But the larger part of me was worried about his sister, he said she was hurt.

“Oh yeah, of course” he smiled and led me into the woods. Further then I would care to go. He stopped in the middle of a clearing and I looked around. “Where is your sister?” I asked. “She’s dead, has been for years” I stepped back slightly and he moved forward. My heart started beating so fast and I couldn’t breathe. “Then why did you ask for my help?” I asked backing up more. I hit a tree and a sadistic smile formed on his lips. “Well, I needed to get you here some how” he said.

My eyes widened and I turned around and started running. It didn’t take long for him to catch me though. “Stop moving!” I didn’t stop. He grabbed on to my shirt so I slipped out of it and took off running again. I felt him grab me again about 5 seconds later and throw me on the ground. “Get off me!” I screamed. “Now why would I do that?” he asked. I felt tears well up in my eyes. “Please” he paused for a second. And that was all I needed. I reached up and punched him as hard as I could and stood up before I started running again.

The next thing that happened I swear was straight out of a horror movie. Heres what happened.

1. I heard a gunshot.

2. I felt a Sharp pain rip threw my body.

3. I felt my body fall to the ground.

4. The guy was standing over me.

5. Everything went Black.
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The next chapter is gonna be a little...weird. i'm gonna do it in multiply POV's and its kinda new for me so bare with me ok?