Sequel: I Must Be Dreaming

One Last Kiss


I woke up the next morning in the arms of Edward. I smiled slightly and sat up. “Morning” I groaned and shook my head. I ran a hand threw my hair and crawled out of the Tent pulling my shoes on. I walked down to the lake and looked around. I randomly started walking. “Where are you going?” I looked back at Edward and shrugged. “Where ever my feet take me” I said and continued walking. He moved up next to me and I smiled slightly. “Don’t use your speed or your strength on me. Well unless I’m gonna die, then it’d be nice. But I like doing random things even if it gets me hurt. Unlike you, I only live once, I want to live my life to the fullest” I said.

He looked over at me and I continued walking. “If you stop me from being spontaneous, you stop me from being me. You basically take my life away from me.” I said. I smiled and looked up at the cliff before taking off running toward it. “Where are you going?” “Why don’t you just read my mind?” I asked “All I’m getting is gotta run major fun” I smiled before running up to the cliff and jumping off the edge.

I landed in the water and sunk down. I resurfaced and pushed my hair out of my face. I looked up to see Edward staring at me and I smiled “What? I told you. Spontaneous!” I called before swimming back over to the shore and climbing out. I felt a hand grab mine and smiled at the coldness. I looked up and a scream escaped my lips as I stared at the man in front of me.


A sickeningly sweet smile crossed his face. “Shea, it’s been a long time babe” I tried to push him off me. “Let me go!” I yelled. How was he still alive? I had…I had…How? “Confused? Your eyes still give you away little Shea Shea” I glared “Don’t call me that. And let me go” I snapped. He yanked my body up and I slammed into his chest. It was hard as rock, he was freezing cold and his eyes were blood red. “You’re a vampire” I said. “You always were to smart for your own good Shea-lynn” I glared. Nobody and I mean nobody other then my parents knew my full first name. Not even him.

“How did you know that?” I asked “After our little issue in the alley I decided to see who the real Shea Ryan was, or should I Shea-Lynn Sophia Marie Ryan” I glared at him “Fuck off Shit Dick” I snapped “Let her go” I looked over at Edward who was now crouched down. “Ah…Who is this Shea-Lynn?” “Stop calling me that you stupid asshole.” He looked over at me and I moved closer to his face “You really think I’m afraid of you James? Huh do you? I may be human and I may die with the snap of your fingers but you are pathetic” I snapped. I know I should shut up but…too late now. His eyes drilled holes into mine and I glared. I knew it was stupid, I knew I was petrified and I knew I couldn’t let him know that. Cause the moment he knew I was scared of him he would know he was in control.

“You may want to watch your tongue Shea” I glared “Or what James? You’ll kill me, like I killed you. Like I shot you. I wish you would have died. Do you know how many people were happy you were gone? I was happy. Truthfully I wished I would have stuck around long enough to watch you bleed out and die. I wish I would have seen it with my own eyes.” I said. Ok, so not only was I lying but I was pissing him off. I could see it in his eyes.

Neck thing I knew he slapped me so hard across the face. I landed on my ass in the water and then was lifted up. I looked do see James and he smirked before throwing me. It was fun and scary at the same time. I felt like I was flying, till I hit the water. I body slammed on the water hard and my air was automatically knocked out of me and it was so cold and I looked up. I could see the surface but it was so far away. I couldn’t breathe and I tried to swim up but I couldn’t breathe. Black bubbles started to pop up in my vision before everything went black.
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sorry its been so long and sorry its short.