Sequel: I Must Be Dreaming

One Last Kiss


I felt pressure on my chest and coughed. Water shot up my throat and out my mouth. It felt gross so I could only imagine how it looked. I felt cold hands on mine and even though I was in the freezing water, it still felt nice. I took a deep breath and looked up to see Edward. “Well that was on hell of a reunion. Let’s not invite him next time.” I said. He helped me up and I felt a sharp pain in my side and dropped to my knees. “Shea! Are you ok?” I looked up at him “Yep, I love being on my knees in the middle of the forest as a sharp pain is in my side” I said in a monotone voice.

He looked at me and I stood back up trying to ignore the pain. “Yes I’m fine.” I said. He looked at me and I sighed and rolled my eyes. I lifted up the side of my shirt to see a huge bruise starting to form. I groaned. “That puts such a hold on the outfit I had planned to were tomorrow to Seattle.” I said. “You should see Carlisle.” I shook my head and started walking. “Shea” “What?” “You’re going the wrong way the camp sight and truck is the other way” I blinked slightly and walked over to him and jumped on his back. He wrapped his arms around my legs and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“He’s not gone is he?” I asked as he started running. “No, he’ll be back. But we’ll protect you” I shook my head slightly. “Don’t worry about it. He maybe fast, stronger and blood thirsty. But I have an amount of power over him, but I’m in his head and in his heart.” I said. He slowed down “Is that a good thing?” I smiled slightly “If it prevents me from getting killed then I’d say it is” I said. “I won’t let anything happen to you” he said. “You can’t let nothing happen to me, then nothing will happen to me.” I said.

He sighed and I smiled before leaning down “What would you do if I kissed you here?” I asked and kissed his neck. His hands tightened around my legs and I smiled “Just tell me, good or bad?” I whispered. “Good” he said causing me to smiled.

“Can I ask you something?”

We were now sitting in his room and I was tracing my fingers over his hand that was resting on the bandage on my side. Apparently I had broken 2 ribs. That would explain the pain and bruise.


I smiled and turned around so I was facing him. “How do you feel about me? And I mean me Edward, not the scent of me, or the whole soul mate thing. I mean me. Shea Ryan. How do you, Edward Cullen, feel about me?” I asked.

He looked at me and I pushed my hair out of my face. “I feel like, as much as I know you, I don’t know anything about you.” I smiled “Glad to know that feeling is mutual.” I said. “How about this” I said sitting up. I cleared my throat and held out my hand.

“My name is Shea-Lynn Sophia Ryan. I’m 17. My favorite color is Pink and Yellow is a close second. I love the water and I’m not afraid to hurt someone’s feelings. My parents have been in my life the equivalent of a month maybe less. I have broken my ribs repeatedly, I’m spontaneous and I’m not afraid to take risks. I love making new friends but I’m a bit judgmental, I’m smarter than people think I am and deep inside things bother me and I don’t tell people and I’m pretty sure I’m falling for you Edward Cullen, and I’ve only known you for a month.” I said.

He reached up and moved a strand of hair out of my face “My name is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. I’m 107 Years old but I look 17. MY favorite color is blue. I like reading and piano, I can read minds and you know my family. But I fell for you the day I met you Shea” he said.

I smiled “Will you play Piano for me?” I asked. A smile appeared on his face and I smiled again. He stood up and grabbed my hand. He easily pulled me up and down the stairs and into a room with a nice piano. I smiled as he sat down on the seat and I sat next to him. His fingers skillfully moved over the keys and I smiled listening to the music flooding threw the house.

When he finished I smiled “That was amazing” a smile appeared on his face and I stood up. “Where are you going?” I shrugged “To mess with Emmett” I said. “He’s not here Shea, none of them are” I smiled “I know, but he will be back…and hen he is back, you shall be my shield” I said before running up the stairs. I ran into Rose and Emmett’s room and into the closet. I grabbed his Gators Jersey and pulled it over top of my clothes. It slid over my knees and I blinked slightly and shook my head.

It didn’t take long for it to annoy me to I took it off and hung it back up before walking into Edward’s room. He looked up from his bed and I smiled slightly and sat down next to him. “What do you wanna do? I can’t just sit here” I said. He laughed and I stood up and looked at him. “After everything that happened to you this morning, how are you so…happy?”

I shrugged and sat in his lap. His arms slowly wrapped around me and I smiled “Well, nothing is going to change what happened. So why dwell on it?” I said. He shook his head and I smiled and ran a hand threw my hair and stood up. I walked over to his balcony and smiled. “Catch me?” I said before jumping over the railing.

I landed in cold arms and looked up to see Edward. “Are you complete insane?!” I nodded “Yeah pretty much” I said before leaning up and kissing his cheek. I jumped down out of his arms and smiled. I walked into the woods and leaned against a tree. “Long time no see Shea” I looked up to see James.

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Hope You Like It