Love Isn't Always Fair

Small Tears

“Apparently Luann is having some trouble with this guy called Georgie who has opened up another porn studio here, he’s trying to get Luann’s girls for himself” Jax said to everyone as we held a meeting but I barely heard what he said because I walked in late after driving my Mom home from the hospital; she crashed her car last night but I wasn’t too sure about that because she was acting a lot different.

“Look I know Luann is a friend but we’ve got bigger problems to deal with then her getting some competition, the Mayans want to buy guns from us to use against the Niners” Clay informed everyone as I took my normal seat at the table; I wasn’t fully thinking straight as I was still worried about my Mom but she of course made me come to the meeting.

“Luann isn’t just a friend Clay, she’s Mom’s best friend and Otto’s old lady. She a part of this family and she’s helped us out more times than we expect her too” I said to Clay as I agreed with my brother on this one; she needs help with one thing and she’ll get our help because she’s always been there for the club.

“Fine we’ll give her a hand but as soon as this is taken care of, we’re going to work something out with the Mayans. Jax, Tig, Opie and Chibs go take care of this Georgie guy” Clay said with a slight sigh as he knew he was doing the right thing; he promised Otto that we’d look after Luann and we were going to keep that promise.

I watched the guys walk out of the clubhouse so they could go find Georgie and teach him a lesson about dealing with SAMCRO’s family; I stayed at the garage for a few more hours so I could help Mom with the books and appointments as I didn’t know how many days she was going to take off to rest.

“Kip wait, I want to talk to you before you head off. I don’t want you to go anywhere near Luann’s porn studio, I don’t care if Clay tells you to either” I told my boyfriend as I walked out of the office and over to him as he walked over to his motorbike; I knew how pushy the girls could be over there so I didn’t want my boyfriend anywhere near them.

“Grace you don’t have to worry about anything, I’ve already had a talk to Clay about it and he agreed with me. Besides you know that you’re the only one I look at, you are my old lady after all” Kip said to me with a smile on his face as he placed his hands on my hips; we decided this morning that I was pretty much his old lady which I didn’t mind at all.

“I know that babe but I still don’t want those girls jumping all over you, those type of girls don’t really understand when a guy is taken” I said to him softly as I placed my hands on his chest as I lean into him; I leaned up on my toes so I was closer to him and pressed my lips against his for a kiss.


“Mom are you sure everything is alright? You seem more emotional than you should be, after a car crash and I’ve noticed you putting some distance between you and Clay” I asked her softly as we sat up on the roof of the bar where the two of us and Jax tend to go when we need to think or have some space; I needed to know that my mom was okay because she wasn’t talking to anyone else.

“Oh baby I’m fine, I’m still just a little shaken up that’s all. The thought of me dying in a silly little accident just got to me, I never want to think about leaving you and Jax” Gemma explained to me as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and held me to her side; I leaned into her but I knew that she wasn’t telling me the truth.

“Mom I’m not a kid anymore I can deal with whatever is on your mind, please Mom I can see that something else is bothering you” I said to her lightly as I didn’t want her to close off on me because I knew she would if you pushed her; I was exactly the same as her so I knew what would happen and she’d already pushed Clay away.

“You’re too smart for your own good… you can’t tell anyone Gracie, I can deal with this myself” Gemma said to me softly before she started to tell me what happened last night and the crash didn’t even happen; Unser did that so it looked like Gemma had a car crash when she was actually raped by three men with masks on.

“You should have told me Mom, you need to tell Jax and Clay as well. We can find these guys and hurt them just like they hurt you, you can’t let them get away with this” I said to her as I looked at her in shock because I didn’t see that one coming; I couldn’t believe that she went through something that horrible and keep it to herself.

“There is no we when it comes to Jax and Clay, you aren’t going to tell them and you aren’t going to go after these men. I’m not going to risk them hurting you Grace” Gemma told me but I was already working out ways that I could find the guys who did this; no one gets away with hurting my family and doesn’t pay the price for it.

“Mom you don’t have to go through this alone, we’re your family and we want to protect you and keep you safe. We’ll teach them a lesson and then get them thrown in jail” I said to her but I knew she didn’t want the police involved in this; if she didn’t want her family to help her then she wouldn’t want anyone else to help her.

“You three do protect me baby but I don’t want you to do anything, do you understand me Grace? If these men can hurt me then they can hurt you too” Gemma said to me sternly so all of the ideas that I was planning in my head disappeared; I knew if my Mom was this set on not having any other help then I wasn’t going to go behind her back.

“Yes I understand you Mom and I promise that I won’t do anything, I won’t tell anyone and I won’t go talk to Unser about what happened” I said to her lightly as I leaned back into her side as she rubbed my back gently; of course I was still pissed about what happened but I had to trust my Mom when she said she could deal with it.

“Thank you baby and I will tell Clay and Jax when I’m ready, but I just need to get my emotions under control first. Besides when everyone knows, no one will be able to stop them” Gemma said to me as she kissed the top of my head and I could feel myself calming down slightly; I still wanted to take my bat to the guys who did this but now I could think more clearly about things.

“You’re welcome Mom but I still stand by what I said, you need to tell them so we can deal with the guys like they deserve” I said to her as I rested my head on her shoulder but I knew she’d tell them when she was ready; I couldn’t even imagine having to go through with being raped but having to be raped three times would have been unimaginable.

“Now let’s talk about something different, something like you and Kip maybe” Gemma said to me and I could hear the smile in her voice; after everything that happened to her the one thing that could make her smile was talking about my relationship.

“Things are so amazing between us Mom, he’s everything that I want in a man. I know Clay and Jax weren’t sure about him at first, but I love him so much and he called me his old lady today” I said to her softly as she tightened her grip around me which is when I heard a slight sniff; I looked up at her to see her crying which caused me to wrap my arms around her and let her cry into my shoulder.
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Grace's Outfit

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