Status: Please give me feedback

I Tried My Best

She wasn’t dead, not yet at least. Randy’s Elizabeth had done what she needed to do in order to live. She’d done her best. The only mistake she’d ever made was leaving behind drops of blood in hopes they’d come for her in time…

As she stayed with this horrible people as they did these horrible things she adjusted to it the pain, the hurt, never seeing the man she loved, soon she was numb…

Eventually Elizabeth caved and did as they asked and before she knew it, she was no longer living in her past, before she knew it, she was no longer living at all.

Note: This story is a sequel and a prequel at the same time I know for sure atleast the first chapter is going to be how they first became each others, I might make two chapters for that.

Don't exspect this to be a very long story it wont be more then 10 chapters and will probably be even less than that. Updates will not be fast, sorry, and I'm going to try my best to get them out as fast as I can. Feedback would be amazing