Raindrops on Roses


“Can one of you describe the perfect first kiss?” The interviewer asks, eyeing Ryan; who has been dubbed the most romantic.
“I think Brendon should answer this one. He hasn’t spoken in a while.” Jon says, forcing me to break the eye sex I was trying to have with Ryan. Ask the mormom kid about first kisses, great idea. It’s not like my parents are going to watch the interview or anything.
“Well, I guess the most important thing is that it be with someone you love and completely trust.” I throw quick, secret glances in Ryan’s direction, “Have you ever had the perfect first kiss, Brendon?” The interviewer interjects. “I have actually; last year. After a concert I was catching my breath, it was a hotel night, I remember because I was standing on a balcony; instead of sitting on the bus roof.” I pause to breathe, “They walked out and sat down next to me, silently. We just sat there for a while, watching the stars, my arms wrapped around them. I turned to face them, and found myself lost in their gorgeous honey coloured eyes.”
“ It was starting to rain slightly, my hair dampening against my face, they raised their hand to move my hair and it just sort of happened.”
“So, you’re not going to tell us who they are?” The interviewer asks.
“They know who they are, they know I love them.” As I say this Ryan tries to hide his bright red cheeks with his hair.
“That’s very sweet and unfortunately all we have time for today.” The interviewer picks up her folders and leaves, Spence and Jon staring wide-eyed at me, “When the fuck did that happen?” Jon asks as soon as she’s out of hearing range.
“The beginning of winter.” Ryan squeaks, I nod and grab his hand. It takes a while for Jon and Spencer to notice, they’re not the most observant creatures, so it takes till we get to the bus before Spencer notices, asking “Dude, was your perfect first kiss with Ryan?” I nod, squeezing Ry’s hand. They just shrug, Jon muttering “Knew it. You owe me $20.” He holds out his hand to Spence, “Pay up.” He says as Spencer bitch slaps his hand.
“You guys took bets on whether we were dating?” Ryan pretended to be offended, but ended up laughing. Jon and Spence just blush, sheepishly, nodding.
“So you guys are cool with it?” Ryan clarifies.
“No, dude we hate you. We wanna kick you out of the band.” The sarcasm dripping from Jon’s voice.
Ryan pretends to faint into my arms, screaming “It’s over. It’s all over!” All 4 of us collapse onto the makeshift couch, laughing.
“Hey bitch, go get me my 20.” Jon kicks Spencer of the couch. Spencer, still laughing, tries to stand from the floor and ends up falling flat on his arse. Spencer falling starts a whole new round of laughing, and sometime between him falling and the rest of us doubling over laughing, Spencer got up to get Jon’s 20 bucks. When Spencer gets back, he sits right next to Jon; he is practically sitting on top of him. “So dudes.” Jon starts, “You know how you decided not to us about you?”
“Yeah” Ryan and I nod.
“Yeah, Spence and I decided not to tell you about us.” Jon says, pulling Spencer fully onto his lap.
“Aww.” Ryan mumbles “Not as cute as Bren and I but still cute.” He compliments.
“Fuck off, as if. We’d beat your asses in cute.” Spencer says, punching Ryan in the arm.
“Brendon! Protect me!” he yells, squirming away from Spencer and closer to me.
“Mm, forever baby.” I mumble into his shoulder, kissing the back of his neck.
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Imma in a fluffly mood tonight so fluff for all!
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