
Just A Thought

As we headed further away from my apartment, I grew tense. I could sense the character of the people around me, and almost everyone radiated ill will.

"I'm sorry you have to see this...please don't judge," Stefan said, smiling over at me.

"I won't," I replied, barely audible.

We had gotten to his house by now, and we both walked inside. Stefan cursed, offering another apology as we passed his father, who looked like he was under the influence...

I followed Stefan upstairs, though didn't walk into his room. I don't think I could have...the space was so small...Stefan walked around, collecting bits and pieces to a uniform.

The whole place smelled faintly of alcohol and drugs. I glanced in Stefan's room, taking note of the few furniture items.

A thought hit me, and I blinked, tilting my head as I considered it.

"Oi, Stefan?" I asked quietly. He stopped moving about his room and looked at me. I studied the carpet, a thoughtful look on my face.

"I have a second bedroom in my apartment you're welcome to move in to..." I said slowly. I lowered my head, scratching the back of my neck.

That's probably considered weird...I hardly knew the guy. But this...this didn't look good, or safe, for that matter. I simply wanted to help him.

"Just...just a thought..."