


Math is unbelievably boring. I completely gave up trying to understand the coded gibberish coming from the general direction of the teacher and stared absentmindedly.

The jocks continued to pester the guy next to me. I found out his name in a warning note launched from across the room:
'You stay near Stefan, you're committing social suicide'

I crumpled the note up and dropped it in my backpack before going back to ignoring class.

Finally the teacher distributed the assignment, giving the first person in the row the papers to pass back. Somehow, the homework didn't make it to the back of the room. I glanced at the kids further up and, judging by their expressions, this must happen a lot.

I stood up suddenly, walking towards the front of the room and asking the teacher for two copies. As I turned to go back to my seat, I caught everyone looking at me. I shrugged to myself before continuing on.

Then someone tried to trip me. Being part cat, I almost never fall, so I quickly caught my balance before pivoting and backhanding him. Hard. He almost fell out of his desk, and the only thing that could be heard was the teacher typing furiously away at his computer. I stood there, glaring at him for about a minute before returning to my seat.

Thankfully, the bell rang. I placed a copy of the homework on Stefan's desk, offering him a small smile before heading out to my next class.

I endured history and language before it was finally time for lunch. I usually don't eat at school, so I headed outside and found a lovely, quiet tree to sit by. I dropped my book bag and leaned against the rough bark, taking in the warmth of the day. I was expecting some trouble from math and was surprised when none found me...

I heard soft footsteps crushing the grass and I frowned. Here we go...