
I'm Sorry, Can You Repeat The Question..?


I looked up at the girl, confused, why was she sitting next to me anyway.. Let alone giving me spare sheets and smiling.
Did she know what she was doing?

I slipped the sheet into my bag, zipping it up, and resting the handle over my shoulder, before heading towards languages, and then History - Which were as boring as maths had been..
But so much more un-eventful.

When I walked into the cafeteria, though, everybody was silent. Silent as soon as I stepped my foot through the door.
By the look on everyone's faces, I knew they were talking about me.
I walked slowly to the snack bar, picking up an apple, and then rushed out as quickly as possible.
And so, the talking resumed.

I have a special place where I sit, nobody else goes that far down the school field to find me. It's better than staying inside and having people ignore me.. If I just ignore myself, at the bottom of the field, then it saves them the trouble.
But there was somebody sitting under the tree..
My tree..

I approached cautiously, incase it was one of the jocks. But it wasn't. It was the girl from maths.
My bag dropped from my shoulders as I tried to smile at her, the corner of my mouth twitching just a little.

"Can I.. Sit.. Here?"

I don't speak much. My voice is hoarse, and quiet. Speaking is pointless when I have no-one to converse with.
I waited a little for an answer and then sat down softly beside her, taking a large bite of my apple and letting the juice spill into my mouth.

It was satisfying having so much power over something. I could choose when I bit the apple, how I chewed, when to swallow... To be honest, eating was probably the most exciting part of my life.
And, by my figure, you could tell I didn't eat much.