The Untouchable Angel

The Truth

I waited a few minutes, trying to think of the best way to structure my answer, I told her that I don't eat, not in the way she and my towns people did, she nodded and then asked why I had said "my towns people", I sighed not realising I had. I simply told her they were just that, my towns people, I owned the town, and they were my people that I looked after and cared for. She looked at me her face looked understanding, and I wondered how much she knew about me, I looked straight into her eyes, you don't seem that surprised? I asked her gently. I have read some journals I found in the house, they said you looked after them, they never said why or anything but that you did without hesitation, was her reply, I smiled at her thanking the past residents, but she then continued to speak, of course some of these journals go back a few hundred years, my smile faded, all I said then was ah.

She looked at me and asked me you're not human are you? I shook my head slowly, gauging her reaction, hoping she wouldn't be scared, she seemed okay. I walked up to her and kissed her gently, feeling the strength flowing through the kiss, I broke away looked into her eyes and told her simply I am a vampire. She instantly backed up and ran from the house. I know I should have eased her into the truth and not kissed her, but in the red dress, and the crimson lipstick she looked so beautiful I couldn't help myself. I followed her in my mind, following her progress. She got home in less time than I thought she would, she locked her doors and windows and crawled into bed, I had exhausted her with that off the cusp kiss, but she was safe at least, which is always the only thing that matters to me.

Lucinda didn't leave her house for a week, I carried on as normal as possible, but everyday I mentally checked on her making sure she was still okay, but for some reason I could only see her vital sign, and not what she was thinking, worse I couldn't go to the house and physically check up on her, everything inside of me wanted to go to her, to explain and comfort, but she was in the one place I couldn't go to. I was growing more and more worried about her, not knowing if she was physically alright, but a week after that evening, she came to my mansion. I was surprised, I hadn't felt her come up to my home, and her knock had made me jump, I wondered if there was something wrong with me, my vampire senses were not working well which had never happened to me before.

She had come to talk to me, she wanted to know everything. I sat her down and told her of my life, that I had been turned mid 19th century. That I had come to reside in this town, that the towns people had welcomed me and my habits, and in return I had used my fortune to build their town. I explained that the one stipulation I had given was that all windows be UV resistant, so that I could be inside during the day, to live a semi normal life. I told Lucinda when I had first come, there were people who would let me take some blood from them once a month to keep up my strength, but that I had fallen for one of the maidens, and she had loved me, that the maidens father had lived in the her house, and had resented me for taking away his daughter, for falling in love with her, but also he was the one person in the town that resented me being there, before I had come he had been the towns mayor, but then I "sauntered" in and took away his towns people. Then one day my maiden had offered me some of her blood, but once I started I couldn't stop and I drained her, I killed her. Her father turned against me, he cast all sorts of curses around his house to keep me away from his other younger daughter, and he vowed that every maiden that lived in that house would be safe from me. I told her that since that day I had not drank human blood, just some animal blood.

Lucinda, who had been across the room from me while I had told her my history, came across and sat beside me, she told me I could drink from her, I looked at her startled not sure of what to do, but she insisted. I gently picked up her arm and licked her wrist a little, she giggled, it filled my heart with pleasure. I kissed her lips gently and then lowered my head to her wrist, biting and then lapping up the blood as it flowed freely. I heard Lucinda moan a bit and stopped, not trusting myself, but also wanting to be close to her so I kissed her, her blood passing from my tongue to hers. I bit my own tongue and let it flow gently into her mouth as we kissed, creating a bond that I had never been comfortable creating. A bond that would never be broken. Lucinda was determined to stay with me, and live in the little town, that now considers her their saviour as well, for she has brought hospitals for illnesses and cares for everyone with such tender care that they called her an Untouchable Angel.