Status: In progress.

Take These Storms Away

Gee, thanks October!

I’m not the same kid from your memory, well now I can fend for myself.


August 2011.

Sprawled under white sheets, an eighteen year old Alyssa lay in her best friend’s bed, fast asleep right up until her phone started to buzz away like mad upon the bedside cabinet. Groaning, she flung her arm out and felt around for the device. Once she’d located it, she opened her eyes just enough to see the green answer button and then hold the phone to her ear.

“Hello?” She answered groggily, sleep evidence in her voice.

“Sorry for waking you!” The familiar voice of one October Andrews squealed down the phone causing a short, quiet chuckle to slip passed the teenager’s lips.

“What do you want, October? Especially at this time of the morning?”

“Firstly, it’s two in the afternoon. Secondly, can my friend possibly stay with you at Sierra’s while you’re house sitting? He’s visiting the states and has nowhere to stay.”

Alyssa nibbled her lower lip slightly, Sierra had said she could have friends stay with her to keep her company while she was away but Alyssa had never been comfortable around new people - especially around men.

“Er, sure. When is he arriving?” she enquired. She couldn’t deny October a favour, she owed October too much. The older girl had always been there for her when she’d needed it and there was no way Alyssa could let her friend down when she was recalling one of the many favours she was owed.

“Should be there in a couple of hours,” October replied happily causing Alyssa to groan again. She didn’t even have a lot of time to tidy up and go get more groceries. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Alyssa let out a small sigh.

“That’s fine but if I end up housing some creepy ass guy who wants to bring a different girl home every night, on your head be it!”

October laughed down the phone but Alyssa could also hear the laughter of a second person, a males laugh. Great, she was on speaker phone. Chance of a good first impression just went flying out of the window. “Trust me, you’ll be fine,” October chimed happily. “Thanks for this, Lyss, I’ll speak to you soon!” and with that the conversation was ended.

“Yeah, whatever, bye,” Alyssa said to the now monotone buzz that was sounding from her phone before hitting the red button and literally throwing herself out of bed. She had zero motivation to do anything to make the house or herself presentable and she had even less motivation to put up with company.

You see, Alyssa hadn’t always been so anti-social, so bitter but things happen that cause people to become the way they are and Alyssa had had her fair share of bad dealings. Aged eight, her Mother and Father had gotten divorced, her Mother left taking her sister - who happened to her only friend - with her without even saying goodbye. Aged fourteen, she’d found her best friend - Lacey - dying on the floor from trying to overdose. The thought still gave Alyssa nightmares and at times she could still see Lacey’s blood upon her hands and the feeling of hopelessness and uselessness still consumed her in her darkest hours. Aged seventeen, a week before her and her boyfriend’s year anniversary, she’d walked in on him committing intimate acts with a co-star from a Broadway musical she’d starred in when she was thirteen.

However, now she was aged eighteen, an actress for Nickelodeon who was aspiring to be a big performer but over a few years, her innocence had been destroyed, her kindness limited and her bitterness and hatred amplified.

The hours passed and while they did, Alyssa was running around, frantically cleaning, and tidying everything except for herself. Flopping onto the bed, she let out an exhausted sigh. Her green eyes locking on the clock, she estimated she had about fifteen minutes to make herself socially acceptable so she rushed into the shower to clean herself of the filth that had clung to her body while she’d been on her cleaning spree. Much to her dismay, the doorbell rang before she had the chance to change into fresh clothes. Cursing under her breath, she wrapped her towel tightly around her body.

Now, for someone who hated people, she wasn’t at all uncomfortable with walking around in front of them in her towel. She’d always been comfortable in her own skin; in fact, she spent most of her day left in her towel after showering. Putting clothes on was just too much effort and when she wanted to be, Alyssa was the laziest person on the face of the planet. Unlatching all the locks and heaving the door open, the young woman looked up at the man at the door.

‘Goddamn you, October Andrews!’ Alyssa screamed in her head. In that moment, she knew October was sitting in her New York office laughing merrily to herself as she imagined Alyssa’s reaction to the fact she was now standing face to face with Ian Watkins.