Status: completed

Back Seat Blowjobs


"Okay everyone," Rusty began "It's a 6 hour car ride to the next city and any unplanned stops are entirely up to your driver but do not count on it. If you have to shit or piss I suggest you do it now because there will not be any breaks until lunch in about…4 hours."

Everyone that was gathered around our tour manager let out a collective groan and began making their way towards the nearest bathroom. It was too early for this shit. We had all gotten up at 6:30 to begin packing up our caravan of 3 buses and now that we were ready to leave, it was nearly 8:00. There's not enough coffee in the world to wake us up right now.

As most of the crew disperse to empty their bowels or looking for any remaining luggage, Jayy, Sally, and I starting heading towards our bus. Most of the crew and equipment was in the larger vans so that left us in the smaller 9 seater. This all worked out fine for us even though it was a bit cramped from everyone's personal baggage taking up the entire back seat and trunk. Andrew was going to drive down to the city so Rusty could catch up on his sleep. We let him have the middle section so he could relax as much as possible. Sally was going to sit up front with Andrew and give directions while Jayy and I had the back seat to ourselves. We could have pushed the bags on the 3 person seat to one side so everyone could have their own space but I really didn't mind sharing with Jayy. He's pretty easy to accommodate so we can make this work.

Sally immediately hopped in passenger side and began to unfold the map and directions. I motioned for Jayy to get in so he could have the window seat but he insisted that I take it. Not caring enough to argue, I hopped in and settled down on the opposite end and waited for him to get situated. A minute passed before Rusty joined, followed almost immediately by Andrew.

As Sally and Rusty gave a quick run down of what turns to take, I began to tune them out and read my book. It was a mystery I've been working on since tour started and though it's very intricate and engaging, I just can't seem to focus on it right now. Maybe it's because of all the voices chattering on? Or maybe that Jayy is so close our knees are nearly touching.

I looked up from the small print and found him staring. He looked half focused on the book and half concentrated on me. I think he was trying to figure what I was reading.

"Bag of Bones."

He jumped a little at the sound of my voice and looked at me startled. "W-What?" he stammered out.

"You wanted to know the title right? That's why you were staring? It's called 'Bag of Bones.' It's by Stephen King."

"O-oh..oh! Yeah, thanks. I was wondering," he trailed off blushing.

"I have 'It' in my bag if you want something to read. I could grab it real quick before we leave, if you'd like?" I asked.

"O-oh, no, that's fine…I think I just want to sleep."

"Ok," I replied back and turned once again to my book.

"H-hey Dahves?" he asked in small, timid voice.

"Yeah?" I questioned him.

He blushed once again and asked me with his eyes trailing down, "Do you mind if I lay my head on your lap?"

I blushed lightly at the thought of him so close to my crotch. "N-no. I-I don't mind."

He gave me a grateful smile and laid across the seat. Slowly he let his head rest in my lap. I blushed even darker when he finally made contact with my legs. "Thanks Dahvie," he said with a sincere smile. I returned it and told him that it wasn't a problem. My small grin didn't leave as I tried once more to focus on my book. Like before I was interrupted once again by Jayy. He trailed his left hand up to mine and gently pulled at the wrist. Intrigued, I let it go limp and subject to whatever he wished. I really want to know what he was doing.

He entwined our fingers and brought our hands down to lay on his stomach. Another wide grin and then he let his eyes shut happily. My smile came back and I thought of just how unbelievably cute his actions were. My attention was diverted back to the van's sudden shift in movement. When I looked up, I found that Andrew had begun to trail behind the other vans as we left the parking lot. Once we were safely out of the city, Rusty laid down and begun to fall asleep. It wasn't long until his soft snoring filled the van. To help drown out the noise, Sally turn on the radio.

I looked down to Jayy and found him lying peacefully with his breath slowly evening out. He must be really tired to fall asleep this easily. I didn't have the heart to untangle our fingers so I tried my best to turn the pages of my book with just my thumb. It was much more difficult than I thought so after about 10 pages I gave up. I could have easily solved my problem but I've always loved when he holds my hand, even if it's just innocently. I wouldn't give up these little moments for anything.

Since I couldn't read anymore, I just settled for watching Jayy sleep. His nose twitched slightly and my smile grew just a tad more. I really was pathetic how I find every little he does unbelievably attractive. About 5 minutes went by and I had this gnawing at the pit of my stomach. I felt a bit pervy for watching him sleep. I let out a soft sigh and shifted my gaze out the window. I watched the scenery quickly passing by and wondered what the next city would look like. Even though we pretty much travel the same roads every time, it seems like they're constantly changing into something even more beautiful. Watching all foliage change in a matter of seconds always calmed me. I think it's because no matter how hard you try, you'll never see the same image twice even if you travel down the same road repeatedly.

After nearly an hour of watching the changing landscape, I fell asleep with realizing it. It seemed like one minute I was watching tree's varying colors and looking for wild animals and then the next it was black. When I woke up again I shifted slightly, realizing a heavy object was in lap. When my eyes unblurred, I remembered that Jayy had fallen asleep on me. I looked down and found he had shifted but our fingers were still locked together. I smiled softly once more. Now he was laying on his left side and his arm was probably gonna be sore later but he still didn't want to let go. Just knowing that he still kept our hands together no matter how uncomfortable it made him sent a warm wave down my spine and straight to my stomach. Only a minute after gazing at him more did I realize his right hand held onto my knee tightly. A tingle was sent straight to my groin and I bit my lip out of habit. Even the tiniest things he does drives me crazy.

Jayy's sleeping brain seemed to pick this as the best time to have him nuzzle into me. Although I knew he couldn't help it, my cheeks still flared a fire-engine red. I let out a little squeal as his cheek rubbed against my package and his hand kept my twitching leg down. Sally looked back at the sudden noise and asked in worry-laced voice what was wrong. "N-nothing!" I blurted out, "Jayy just moved in his sleep and startled me." Well, it was mostly true.

She seemed content with the explanation and turned back around. It looked like she was trying to get some sleep in too. Over the moderately loud music I could hear Rusty still snoring away without a care in the world. My gaze fell back to Jayy as he shifted again. This time I was more prepared for it but couldn't stop the shockwaves of pleasure riding up my body. I felt myself hardening at the constant friction he was creating and desperately began thinking of any way I could to relieve it. I can't wake him cause 1) he needs his sleep, 2) it'd be awfully difficult to make up an excuse for this and 3) he just looked so cute.

I could try to move him but where to? There's not a whole lot of space to move around and his feet are already hanging off the edge. Inwardly I groaned at my hopeless situation. Maybe if I took my mind off of this, it'll go away before he wakes up. I turned towards the window again and began to stare out. Whatever state we were in really was gorgeous.

I tried my hardest to focus on the outside world, I truly did but my mind kept falling back on the growing problem in my jeans. I bit my lip again and closed my eyes. Maybe if I can fall asleep again it'll go down or at least give me an excuse if someone finds out. I tried to relax once more but Jayy's now traveling hand made it increasingly difficult. I ignored it as long as possible but when it reached my tented pants I knew something was wrong.

My eyes flew open and I looked down to find him staring up me with some kind of weird smile. It looked like he was inviting me to take care of it, like he had expected this all along. I blushed darkly and refused to move a muscle. His smile turned into a smirk and he took the initiative himself.

Releasing my left hand, he turned himself over onto his stomach. I felt a little empty when he broke the contact but that was quickly replace by shock when he rested his hands on my upper thigh. All at once I realized what he was going to do and let out a harsh whisper "Jayy what the hell are you doing!?!"

He rolled his eyes and pushed himself up to capture my lips. I gasped in shock at his way of telling me to shut up. His tongue swiped along the seam of my lips and he pulled off just as quick as he had started. "Don't worry about it Dahvie, I'll take care of you." He even threw in a wink to tease me.

I cast a nervous glance towards the front of the bus but thankfully there was no movement or sound other than the stereo and light snoring. "No Jayy," I whispered hurriedly, "Someone is gonna catch us!"

His smirk grew as he replied just as if this were any other conversation "Not if you're quiet they won't. But don't let that stop you, personally I'd love to hear you moan and scream my name." I somehow blushed darker and swallowed a nervous gulp.

"Aw Dahvie," he cooed at me, "You look so cute when you're all flustered." I felt his hands travel down to the front of my jeans and play with the button. "I can't wait to see your face when you cum." Just with that my eyes blew wide and I felt myself leaking through my underwear. By this time he had my pants undone and could clearly see the enlarging wet spot. He licked his lips and looked hungrily at my member as he slowly pulled my boxers down enough to fully expose me.

I cast another couple of nervous glances between the beautiful boy inching towards my erection and the front seats where at any time someone could look back and see us. Why did he have to do this now? Couldn't he have just told me he liked me in more romantic, less occupied location? And why the hell did he feel the need to suck me off with everyone less than 5 five away? Did he want to get caught or something?

I must have looked like a cornered rabbit or something because he let out a soft amused laugh. "Relax baby, we'll only get caught if you let us so either be quiet or let it out for everyone to hear. Either way, I'm going to give you the best damn blowjob of your life."

As soon as he finished his last sentence, his tongue was all over me. It was messy and unorganized but that made it all the better. I didn't know what to expect or where he'd hit which I think he did purposefully just tease me. Once he got bored with that, he moved up to my tip and gently flicked his tongue against it. My head flew back and I covered my mouth with my hands to keep from screaming out. I looked over and just vaguely I could see Sally rolling in her seat to face the window.

I let out a small sigh of relief that we hadn't been caught but it quickly turned to a broken gasp as Jayy began to suck on my head. He sucked me like he would on a lollipop and alternated it with teasing licks as he did to his Popsicles. I was panting hard now and trying to keep from losing my mind. He had just started and I was already about to blow.

He looked up at me and I could just make out what would have been smirk had his mouth not been so occupied. I clenched my hands tighter and he lowered himself even further down my shaft. I wanted to close my eyes at the feeling but seeing Jayy was so much more important. He could make anything look sexy and compared to what he was doing…it was like the work of God himself.

I kept my eyes focused the boy who looked like a fallen angel and watched every suck, every lick, every second of hollowing cheeks as he blew me with all the skills he had acquired. He looked like a living work of art. It somehow seemed hotter than anything else I've seen in my life or ever will see.

I was so close to my release and I let out a small almost inaudible whimper. He heard me though and sped up his movements. For his final trick he pulled me past his lucious lips, blew coolly on my saliva coated dick, shoved me back into his mouth making sure to scrape every inch with his teeth and then finally swallowed around me once I was as far down his throat as he could manage.

I nearly let myself scream his name but I forced myself to hold most of it back. A small whisper of his name did escape me as I removed my hands to let in much needed air. Jayy continued to swallow around me, letting me enjoy my orgasm to its fullest and to clean me off. When he had finished I was still coming down from my high. He re-dressed me and brought his lips over mine again.

I lowered us onto the seat to obscure us from any prying eyes and to show my complete willing submission to him. As we broke off for air, he smiled wider than I had ever seen before. His hair hung perfectly down his face and seemed to further prove my theory that he is a materialized angel from heaven. As the longer strands tickled my nose, I pushed them back out of my view and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

Although I enjoyed his performance and it truly was the best head of my life I had to tell him "We are never doing this again in here unless it's empty. Got it?"

If possible his smile grew and he giggled just a bit as he responded "Ok fine. Besides I want to be able to hear you from now on."


He laid back down across my chest and we held each other tight as the bus rocked and gave a swift turn. We nearly tumbled out of the seat so we looked up to find out what the deal was. As I glanced out the window, I saw a small line of fast foods restaurants. Guess it must be time for our lunch break.

"Come on guys, wake your asses up! It's time to eat!" Andrew yelled just before slamming his door shut. Rusty sat back up stretching and moved to open the side door. Sally was already standing outside cracking her back and yawning. I gave Jayy a quick meaningful look and immediately he understood.


"Fuck yeah! Get your pretty ass moving, we don't have much time!"
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if you catch any missing or mispelled words, please let me know so i can change it. but tell me where it needs corrected not just that it's wrong.