Status: Starting soon!

Letting You Go was Wrong

Letting you go was wrong

John's P.O.V:

It was that time of year again, Christmas. I hate this time of year, and not because of the annoying songs and the amount of people in stores, but because it was the time when I broke up with my girlfriend Megan. I don't like to remember that. I don't know why I even did it. I think I used the, "I travel all over being in the NHL, and I don't want to put you through a long distance relationship", excuse. I was young and thought it was the best decision, but I realized that I made a stupid decision. I miss her so much and I realized how much I need her in my life. She was my number one fan and I miss that.

Every year, as a team we throw a Christmas party and all the guys bring their wives or girlfriends and it's sort of like a night away from the rink and possibly the kids if they have any. This would be the first year I would be there without my girlfriend. That is why I don't want to go, but the guys won't let me stay at home the whole night, so I have to go. We do a gift exchange and Rick Dipietro and his wife do all of the cooking, which is delicious. We even do karaoke too, but we have a few drinks before doing that, or else it's not fun.

Tonight was the party and I was having second thoughts on going. I wanna hang with the guys, but I will feel awkward without Megan there. I loved that girl, but made a stupid decision and broke her heart. If I could have just one thing for Christmas it would be her. She was amazing. Her hair, smile, personality, everything. I couldn't find one thing I didn't like about her. She was always able to cheer me up after a loss and keep me grounded after I played a great game. Never once did she complain about dating an NHL player, but I thought she was having trouble with it so I ended what could have turned into a marriage. I should have let things work themselves out instead of trying to fix the future before it happened,

I got to the Dipietro house and sat in my car for a few minutes. I looked at my phone and I had one new text,
New message
Hey, how is the party?

I couldn't believe she texted me. I thought she would never speak to me again considering I ended things like I did. I typed the first thing that came to mind.
Sent message
Nothing compared to when you were here with me.

I hope she would read between the lines and understand that I messed up, but that text was probably too cheesy. I finally got out of the car and walked to the door. Rick opened it before i could knock. "Tavares! Come on in!" "Thanks." I slowly walked inside, remembering the party that happened here just a year ago. I walked further into the living room and a bunch of guys form the team were there, so were their wives and girlfriends. "Tavares!" "Hey guys." Rick handed me a drink and I sat in a chair and began listening to all their stories and jokes they had to tell. I was in and out. I was thinking about why Megan hasn't texted me back, but also trying to seem I was somewhat interested in their conversations.

After all the guys had shown up we ate then began playing games and telling more stories. After that got old, Rick brought out the karaoke machine and guitar. Some songs aren't on the machine so guys use the guitar, or they just try and show off by playing it. As two of the guys were singing a duet, there was a knock on the door. I stood up and laughed as they sang the song out of key . I walked to the door and unlocked it, then opened it. I was shocked to see her standing there. "Hi John." I didn't know what to say. "Hi Megan. What are you doing here?" "I saw the text." She walked past me into the living room with a faint smile. Everyone jumped out of their seats when she walked in. "Megan!" I stood there shocked. I never thought I would see this girl, and after sending a text she reappears about an hour later.

She gave them all hugs and chatted her up and then I came back into the room. I sat on a chair across from her and just smiled at her and she smiled back. "Alright, Tavares, you're up next." Rick help out the microphone. "I think I need the guitar for this song Rick." I grabbed the acoustic guitar and put the strap around my neck. I began to play something that Megan needed to know.

I smiled at Megan as she had a confused look, she didn't recognize the song.

I woke up again this morning
And wouldn't you know it... pouring rain
I went and burned a pot of coffee
And like us I poured it down the drain

'Cause I didn't know I needed you so
And letting you go was wrong
And baby I know you got your radio on
So this is my my bad, come back song

She began to catch on to why I was singing it.

I know I said I wouldn't miss you
But now I'm saying I'm a fool
You're on the feel good side of leaving
And I'm the backside of a mule

'Cause I didn't know I needed you so
And letting you go was wrong
And baby I know you got your radio on
So this is my so sad come back song

My smile faded as I looked at her was a straight face so she knew I was serious.

And now I'm laying down without you
In this king size empty bed
And I wish I had my arms around you
Now I'll just dream of you instead

'Cause I didn't know I needed you so
And letting you go was wrong
And baby I know you got your radio on
So this is my get back, come back

Hey, I didn't know I needed you so
And letting you go and letting you go was wrong
And baby I know you got your radio on
So this is my my bad, come back song

As I finished everyone cheered and I took the guitar strap off my shoulder and put it back on the stand. I looked at Megan and gestured for us to leave the room so we could talk. "Look Megan, I was stupid when I ended our relationship and letting you go was such a stupid thing to do." "John, I understand." "No you don't. I have been thinking about you every day since I broke up with you and I don't blame you if you came here to say you never wanted to see me again." "John, that's not why I came here." "See I knew it. Wait what? if that's not why then why did you come here?" She held both of my hands and smiled at me. "John even though I was upset, I didn't stop thinking about you either, and I came here to tell you that, I love you." "You love me?" "Yeah, I do."

The only thing I could do was kiss her. I have been wanting to do this for awhile and I don't want to miss the chance. After I kissed her I pulled and looked her in her eyes to reply to her. "I love you to Megan. And I promise that if I ever think about questioning our long distance relationship again, you have permission to slap me back to reality." She laughed and then I kissed her again. By that time everyone had snuck out of the living room to eavesdrop on our conversation. They all awed when they saw us kissing. We pulled away laughing along with them as Rick said a classic Christmas quote. "You guys, it's a Christmas miracle!" Everyone laughed, but it was true, this was a miracle. So now I don't hate Christmas, because it is a great reminder of the early struggles I went through with my amazing girlfriend, and I wouldn't have it any other way.