Status: Working on new chapters!

Whoa Oh!

Family Picture

Unpacking. Yay. I don't know where to start. There are so many boxes. Start with the CDs so I will have music. Check. Kay. Next box. What's this? As I start pulling them out, I see the happy face of me as a three-year-old looking at a big chocolate cake with my eyes the size of the moon. And who are those little guys? Jonathan and Austin! We have all changed a lot over the years. I pull out the next photo. It's framed and face-down. I flip it towards me and notice that it is the most recent family picture. It was taken three months before my father left. Four months before my mother took her own life. Just looking at it makes me angry and sad. Angry that my father left us and caused my mother to become depressed. Sad because I miss my mommy. I feel like I could've done something. I tried but, nothing worked. At this point I can't take it anymore. I throw the picture against the wall and drop to my knees and sob uncontrollably. I hear the shattering of glass and moments later, I hear Austin and Kyle banging at my door.
"Anni, are you okay? What happened?" Austin asks as they enter my room. I don't say anything. I just point to the shattered picture frame. After seeing what the picture I threw against the wall, they both proceeded to hug me as tears fell down my face.
"It's going to be okay. We'll get through this." This time, I didn't hear those words come from Austin. This time it was Kyle. I actually felt like he understood me at that point. I didn't say anything though. I just kept crying.
"Why don't we watch a movie? Y'know, to get your mind off of this," Austin chimed.
"Okay-" was all I could manage to get out at that point. So, we watched a couple of movies. It did help a little. But, I didn't want to keep unpacking. At least, not tonight. I don't even want to go up there right now.
"You look tired," Kyle stated. "Do you want to go upstairs in your bed or-"
"No," I said. "I don't want to go back up there. At least, not tonight."
"Do you wanna stay down here with us because you are welcome to," Austin said.
"Sure, thanks."
"No problem."
I crashed on the couch. Austin was on the air mattress. Kyle was on the floor.I told him I would sleep on the floor but he wouldn't let me. I fell asleep pretty quickly.
-----the next morning (Saturday)------
I open my eyes to see Kyle leaning over me, looking at me like I have something on my face.
"You look funny when you sleep," he says.
"Um...thank you?"I say, not knowing how to reply to that.
"You're welcome."
"What smells so good?" I ask.
"Mrs. B is making Bacon and eggs," Kyle says.
"Where's Austin?"
"Showering. He told me to watch you. That's what I was doing when you woke up."
"You are an interesting person Kyle Burns."
"And so are you Annabelle Johnson."
"Breakfast is ready!"
"Yay! I'm hungry! Let's eat," I say.
"Thanks for the food Mrs. B."
"Yeah thanks aunt B."
"Did Kyle eat all of the bacon yet?!" Austin screamed, running down the stairs.
"No we haven't even started eating yet dude. Chill," said Kyle.
"Anni, what was that loud noise last night?" my aunt asks.
"Oh, nothing, Don't worry about me," I say.
♠ ♠ ♠
it will get better. I promise!