Status: Started, bear with us! :) Comments, please!?

A Kiss in the Endzone

God Works in Mysterious Ways

Finally, I settled on an outfit. It’s not like they haven’t seen me before, but not as their son’s fiancé. I wore a simple black and white skirted dress with a lightweight black cardigan to hide my shoulders. I pushed my feet into my sequined black Toms. Jaxon appeared in the doorway in a pair of jeans and his usual Texas football shirts. I smiled and walked over to him to place a kiss on his cheek, “jeans, ah?”

“I had a feeling you were wearing something adorable so I pulled them out,” he said and kissed me softly.

“I’m always adorable,” I said picking up my skirt to lightly sway with it in my hands.

He chuckled, “very true.”

I smiled and grabbed my phone, “I’m ready to go whenever.”

“You sure?” he teased.

“Yes,” I said giving him a playful look back. “I’m positive.”

“Alright then, let’s go,” he said taking my hand and leading me out.

I smiled and yelled towards Anjilika’s room, “we’re leaving!”

We made our way out to the truck and got in. We made our trek to Brunet for the rest of the day with Jaxon’s family.

We pulled up in front of the beautiful home of the Shipley’s. Jordan was home and probably had Sunny with him, Shelby and Addie were home as well. I smiled and got out with Jaxon, then he led us into his home.

I watched as Shelby and Addie rushed to hug Jaxon. I chuckled and smiled. His sisters loved him so much. He chuckled and hugged his sisters, “where’s mom and dad?”

“Dad’s up in the office and Mom she was reorganizing the family room,” Addie said smiling.

“Alright thanks,” he said then kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back.”

I smiled, “go ahead.”

I walked into the living room to see Jordan and Sunny watching the TV all cuddled up on the couch. Shelby and Addie followed behind to take their spot on the other couch together. I smiled and slid into the recliner and pulled my legs up next to me sideways so no one would see up my skirt. I had ditched my shoes at the door with Jaxon’s where everyone else’s lied.

“So excited to spend the evening with my beloved family,” Shelby said smiling.

I smiled, “but I’m not family.”

“Oh quit it,” she joked. “I know what’s up.”

“Shush,” I pointed at her with my right finger.

She just giggled and wiggled in her spot causing Addie to give her a confused look. Once Jaxon was back in the room with his parents, he pulled me up causing me to grumble playfully. He chucked, “alright so Cay and I got something to tell you.”

“Please don’t tell me you got her pregnant,” Bob said pointing at his son.

“No,” he laughed.

“Oh my gosh,” Sharon said before we even said anything else.

“Mom, calm down. You don’t even know what I’m saying yet,” he said giving her a playful look.

“Then spit it out!” she said excitedly.

I chuckled and looked up at him. He smiled, “I asked her to marry me.”

His mom flew out of her spot on the couch by Jordan and hurried over to us hugging us. She smiled, “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks mom,” he said and kissed her cheek.

She looked at me and smiled, “I know you two are perfect for each other.”

“I like to think that,” I said smiling.

“God works in mysterious ways,” she said. “He took you away, but he’s brought you back to our family.”

“I was always going to come back eventually,” I said smiling.

“Well,” she said. “We are so glad you came back.”

I smiled, “the acceptance into UT helped a lot.”

“Thank goodness for UT,” she said smiling.

I nodded and looked at Jaxon who was just smiling down at me, “what?”

He just shook his head and wrapped his arm around me pulling me in front of him to rest his head on his shoulder. Shelby smiled, “I want to see the ring!”

I chuckled and kissed Jaxon’s cheek then made my way over to her so she could eye the ring. She smiled, “it’s so pretty Jaxon. Where’d ya get it?”

“I don’t know,” he said shrugging. “I got it two years ago.

“You were going to propose two years ago?” Bob asked looking at his son.

“Well when she ran off, I was mad and hurt. I wanted her to come back and I was going to get her,” he said walking over and wrapping his arm around me. “But I knew Calyn would kick my rear if I left school and came to propose to her.”

“He was right,” I said smirking. “I would have slapped him silly.”

“You would have slapped him silly,” his mama said with that oh boy tone.

I chuckled and looked at him, “that doesn’t matter though.”

“What matters is that God brought you back to me and you’re here now,” he said smiling down at me.

“Aw that was adorable,” Sunny said. “He finished her sentence.”

“That was creepy,” Jordan said.

“Why don’t you ever do that with me?” she asked looking at me.

“Because,” he said shrugging. “I don’t know.”

“Exactly,” she said but kissed his cheek.

I smiled and leant up kissing Jaxon’s cheek, “love you.”

“I love you too darling,” he said and kissed my cheek.

I smiled up at him. I was now becoming officially apart of his family. Even though I have been in their eyes for years, but to be officially a Shipley was going to be so rewarding. Our children were going to have the best genes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments!? Thanks for the comment today! It means a lot!

I just want to remind my/our readers that I have a few other Jaxon Shipley stories posted and would love it if you would go read and comment on that as well! :D
