Status: Started, bear with us! :) Comments, please!?

A Kiss in the Endzone


I turned around and pasted a fake smile on my face. “Hi Christian.”

“How are you?” He pulled me into a hug that lasted too long.

“I’m fine.” I pulled away and stepped back to Garrett. “This is my boyfriend, Garrett. Garrett, this is Christian.”

“Oh, hi.” Christian flashed a heartwarming smile at Garrett, to which he just nodded.

Christian was always too charming for his own good, plus he was flirtatious with any and every girl. Which is why we didn’t work. Standing at six foot two with bright green eyes and short black hair, he was muscular with a face almost too masculine to handle. High cheekbones, full lips, and a strong jaw. He didn’t look his age of 21, more like 28. Garrett definitely looked the younger of the two with his baby face.

“So, what are you two doing?” Christian asked, flashing that libido-melting smile that way. It didn’t work. Not really.

“We were just leaving actually.” I grabbed Garrett’s hand and pulled him past my ex.

“Oh, well, I hope to see you again.” I waved over my shoulder and we exited the mall. We walked toward Garrett’s truck in a brief silence.

“So, who was that?” He asked as he unlocked the doors.

“A friend.” I shrugged and we got in.

“Really?” He gave me a look as we pulled out of the parking spot. The look said it all; he didn’t believe me.

“Yes.” The one word was clipped at the end; my anger was getting to me.


“Whatever Garrett.” We sat in an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the ride home and as we pulled up to my apartment, he turned off the car and looked at me.

“Why won’t you tell me who he is?” He asked fiercely.

“I told you! He was a friend.” I held my head in my hands and uttered a soft scream. “Look, I’m starving. Can we just get some food?”

“Yeah,” He sighed. “I’ll go get some Chinese. But I need some time to think.”

“Alright. Get some for Cayxon.” I hopped down from the truck and slammed the door before walking to the front of the apartment. I heard Garrett’s truck squeal out of the parking lot and unlocked the front door.

Calyn and Jaxon should be getting home soon. They went to Burnet, but had to be back for practice, so they would be home in a while. Hopefully the food wouldn’t be cold by then. I laid on the couch, not caring that I would wrinkle my clothes. I really didn’t give a shit about anything. Why am I keeping secrets from Garrett? Because in my experience, boyfriends don’t like hearing about exes.

I felt my eyes close, and slowly I fell asleep.


The slamming of a car door woke me up and I looked at the clock. Garrett had been gone for a couple of hours; way too long to just be getting food. I wasn’t too worried about him; he was a big boy and could handle himself. But I felt bad.

I sat up as Calyn and Jaxon walked in. Calyn plopped on the couch next to me.

“You look like a zombie.” I told her, laughing a little.

“I feel like one.”

“You outta shape or what?”

“No. I just had to do the same thing over and over and over again. It was boring as heck.”

“Buck up!” I smirked. Maybe if I act normal, everything would be normal. I zoned out for a moment, thinking of Garrett. I liked him, really, I did. But would it work between us?

“I usually shower before you see me though.” I shook my head and looked up at Jaxon, who was talking to Calyn.

“So?” She retorted.

“Go shower you hobo.” I joked. Fake it ‘till you make it.

“Oh it’s hate on Calyn day, huh,” She asked as she got up.

“Scrub deep.” He said. Calyn responded with something I didn’t pay much attention to and walked into her room. “So what’s up?”

I looked up at Jaxon who was looking seriously at me.

“What do you mean?”

“Come on Anj, I know you pretty well. We might not always get along, but we’re friends, right?” He smiled at me.

“Yeah.” I said slowly.

“So what’s wrong?”
“Garrett and I had a fight.” I shrugged.

“About?” I sighed at his question.

“I don’t really know. I don’t really want to talk about it right now, ok? I’m still hurting.” I was afraid he’d take it the wrong way, but he nodded understandingly. “Thanks. I’m going to go change.”

I stood and walked out of the room. After walking into my room, I closed the door and leaned on it. I shook my head and undressed quickly before pulling a pair of yoga pants and tank top. I washed my face and pulled my hair in a bun before pushing my feet in a pair of Nikes.

I walked out of my room to see Calyn and Jaxon singing to each other. As the song ended, I had to comment; it was just too cute.

“You know you should serenade her on your wedding night.” Calyn jumped at my voice.

“Jeez Anj! You scared the shit out of me.”

“Oh that’s right you aren’t planning the wedding yet.” I smirked.

“Shush.” Calyn laid her chin on Jaxon’s shoulder.

“Well it’s an idea.” I walked down the hall into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and had a minute to myself.

“Anj! Are you hungry?” I sighed at Calyn’s voice.

“Garrett’s bringing Chinese.”

“Did you have him get for us too?” She asked, peeking in.

“Yes, he is my dear.” I said, rolling my eyes. I heard the door open a moment later and Calyn screamed about food. Garrett walked in, laden with bags. Calyn grabbed some from him and he set the rest on the table. “What took you so long?”

“Needed some time by myself.” He grunted. I grabbed a plate and loaded up with fried rice, seseme chicken, and a spring roll. We began eating in a very awkward silence until Calyn broke it.

“What’s wrong with you two?” She asked as she put a fork of food in her mouth.

“Babe, they got into a fight.” Jaxon said softly.

“Over?” I glanced at Garrett who was staring at his food determinedly. “We’re going to work this out right now.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“We saw Christian at the mall.” I muttered, half hoping she wouldn’t hear. But I knew she wouldn’t stop until this was worked out. She’s a stubborn little thing.

“Christian, your ex-boyfriend?” I closed my eyes at her question, waiting for the explosion. And sure enough, I heard Garrett’s fork fall to the plate with a clatter.

“I knew it.” I looked at him fearfully.

“Garrett—” He cut me off.

“You should have told me.” He stood quickly and left Calyn and Jaxon staring at each other, and me staring at the ground. I glared at Calyn before standing myself.

“Thanks.” I stomped into my room and slammed the door.

Today sucks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments pleasey!