Status: Started, bear with us! :) Comments, please!?

A Kiss in the Endzone

I Don't Even Look Cute!

I pushed myself to move away from the airport and towards the cab awaiting me at my gate. I sighed, I was going to miss Iowa, but to be back once again on my home soil was a great feeling. I watched as the scenery passed by as the cab drove through the big city in Austin. I handed the man his money plus a tip and got out. I pushed my figure out of the cab to be hit by the heat of Texas hit me once all over again. I smiled and pushed the sunglasses further up on my nose.

I smiled when the bouncy brunette came running out of the small apartment building towards me. I set my bag down next to me and let her engulf my thin frame into a tight hug. It had been a really, long time since the two saw each other in person. Growing up together and learning of boys together.

“I missed you so damn much!” she said squeezing the life out of me.

I chuckled and smiled, “it’s only been two and a half years!”

“Only!” she said and let me go.

I smiled and we carried my bags up the steps into the apartment. I sighed and looked around the room, “welcome home Calyn.”

“We have got to go out!” she said excitedly.

“I got try outs in the morning for cheer,” I said pouting.

“Fine!” she said pouting.

“Where’s my room now?” I asked.

“Oh this way!” she said and hurried up and walked into my new bedroom.

I set my bags down and looked over at her, “so have the boys changed much?”

“Are you kidding me!?” she asked and sighed heavily.

I chuckled and smiled, “you’ve told me all about Gilbert, what about my Jaxon?”

She smiled, “he’s growing out that damn hair again. He looks like Justin Bieber.”

I chuckled, “that’s my ole Jaxon.”

“Your’s?” she asked teasingly.

“He will always be mine,” I said sighing.

“It’s been three years,” she said dragging out every word.

I shrugged, “I was going to Iowa, I had to break it off. I couldn’t have that distraction.”

“He’s playing for UT now,” she said slowly.

“I know, I’m worried he hates me for not talking to him hardly at all,” I said sighing and began unpacking my bags into the closet.

She shrugged, “go surprise him with you being back.”

“I don’t know where he’s at now,” I said sighing.

“Just go for it,” she said tossing something at me. “I bet he’ll jump your bones seeing you blonde.”

“Shut up,” I said blushing and went and hid in the closet.

She laughed, “just do it!”

I peeked out then closed the door, “but I don’t even look that cute!”

“Yes you do!” she said then paused. “Now come out!”

I sighed and stepped out. There he was all six feet, all one hundred and ninety pounds of muscle and a head of blonde hair. I almost squealed at the sight of him, but held it back and just smiled nervously.

“I will let you two be,” Anjilika said running out fast.

I almost glared her, but I held it back. I looked up at Jaxon nervously. Was he going to be mad at me or was he going to be happy to see me? God, all I want to do is wrap my lanky arms around his waist and take in his usual smell of sweat and his usual cologne. He had grown at least five inches it felt since she had seen him last. His hair was much longer again. It was curling at the ends past the tops of his ears. A backwards black Texas hat covered his gorgeous hair. Those piercing blue eyes were starting straight through my blue eyes as if they were trying to read me. Should I speak first? Or should I wait for him to say something? What would I say? God, please make this go right for me!
♠ ♠ ♠

Calyn's Outfit!

Hope all of you like this! I know we do! :D