Status: Started, bear with us! :) Comments, please!?

A Kiss in the Endzone


I sat at Austin’s Pizza with Blake, smiling for the first time in a long time. We had a few slices of what was left of a pizza in front of us, half plain cheese, half bacon. I had gone into the pizzeria as a firm believer in cheese pizza and only cheese pizza. With a question and sweet look from Blake, he turned me into bacon-on-pizza fan. And all I could think was, this is a better date than Garrett and I ever had.

Not that the night at Zilker wasn’t amazing. It was amazing in a very romantic sort of way. But this, this was amazing in an “I just want to hang out with you” sort of way. For some reason, I liked it better. I felt more comfortable around Blake in the past few hours than I did around Garrett our entire relationship, yet I still felt butterflies every time Blake smiled. I sighed and Blake looked at me, scrunching his eyebrows together to give me a confused look.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. I gave him half a smile before answering.

“Just being a girl, that’s all.” He gave me another confused look to which I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay.” He shrugged and took another sip of his water. “So what now?”

“Um…I’m feeling like it’s a movie marathon kind of night.” I said honestly.

“Dinner and a movie? I like it.” I rolled my eyes and laughed at his presumption.

Movies. Plural.”

“Now, wait a minute. How many do you want to get through?”

“Depends. How long can you last?” I blushed as he raised his eyebrows at the implication. “I didn’t mean that.”

“I know. I just like seeing you blush.” He laughed and I had to smile.

“Butthead.” I muttered before taking a drink of my Dr. Pepper.

“Butthead? Seriously? Nobody’s called me a butthead since middle school.”

“Maybe not to your face…” I trailed off as he laughed again. After a few seconds, his laughter died but left his eyes twinkling and I couldn’t help the leap my heart made at the sight. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand!” Cue the laughter again. I really liked making him laugh.

“Alright.” We stood and walked toward the door. About halfway there, that door opened and the last person I wanted to see strolled in with a girl on his arm.

“Gideon? Anjilika?” Garrett looked to both of us in turn and I looked down timidly with tears in my eyes.

“What’s up Gilbert?” Blake said.

“Not much, what are you two doing here?”

“We just got finished eating.” Blake said matter-of-factly.


“Yeah, we’ll be leaving now.” I said, pushing past him and the nameless girl. I was at a near run when I got to the door and opened it to step into the balmy September air. Blake was right behind me as I walked toward his truck.

“Hey, you okay?” He asked, stopping me with a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, just,” I paused, nodding my head. “I didn’t think he would find someone else so fast.” Blake surprised me by pulling me into a hug. I relaxed in his arms and laid my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his middle.

“I’m sorry. It’s rough seeing an ex with someone else.” He told me.

“Yeah, but I’ll get over it.” I shrugged, still holding on to his torso.

“You still up for the movie marathon?” I smiled up at him.

“If you are.” He nodded, but we didn’t move apart. Instead, my grey eyes found his blue and I felt myself being sucked in.

“I really want to kiss you right now.” He said softly.

“Then kiss me.” I said, equally as soft. He surprised me again by shaking his head and pulling away.

“No, not now.” I gave him a confused look and he continued. “Not when you’re so hurt. That would be taking advantage.”

“Wow.” I whispered.

“What?” He sounded scared, like I was going to reject him. Truth was, this made me want him even more.

“You’re a really nice guy.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Not at all. It’s time I tried the nice guy.” He laughed and held out his hand. I took it and we walked toward his truck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please!