Status: Started, bear with us! :) Comments, please!?

A Kiss in the Endzone

I Wanted To Ask You Something

I walked out of the room where Calyn and Jaxon were standing awkwardly, smiling to myself. While I had it bad for Garrett, Cayxon had it worse. Yep, that was their nickname, Cayxon. I thought it was cute. I heard the front door open and knew it had to be one of two people, Garrett or Case. Jaxon also walked in on a regular basis, but he was currently in Calyn’s room and they were probably making out by then.

“Angel?” Yep, Garrett.

“In here.” I called from the kitchen. It was a second before his smiling face came around the corner. I leaned against the counter, gripping it to keep from flinging myself onto him.

“What, no hug?” I grinned as he walked into my open arms. Not long enough and he let go.

“Want something to drink?”

“Water please.” I squeezed away from him and to the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to him.

“So, what’s up?” I looked up at him, which was amazing. I’m five foot ten; I don’t look up at many people. But he was six-four, it’s amazing.

“I wanted to ask you something.”


“I was wondering if—” We heard the thundering of two sets of feet and Calyn flung herself into the room and behind Garrett, grabbing on to his shirt. She had Jaxon’s hat on her head and it suddenly made sense.

“Ah crap you’ve gotten faster! Protect me Gilbert!” She yelled. Garrett laughed and set the bottle on the counter.

“Are you torturing Jaxon?”


“Sure.” He said, grabbing the bottle and starting to walk toward me. Calyn yanked on his shirt.

“Hey now, don’t hurt him!” I said, shaking my head.

“Oh, I couldn’t hurt him, he’s like stone.” She laughed. Jaxon reached to grab his hat off her head and she squealed before running toward her room again.

“Anyway, what were you saying?” I asked Garrett as Jaxon took off after her.

“Oh, um…” He looked suddenly awkward. He opened his mouth to speak and we heard Calyn scream.

“You think we should check on them?” I asked, chuckling.

“Nah. Anyway, I was wondering if—” We heard the door open and Case call out. Garrett cursed under his breath as Case walked in.

“Is she here?” Case asked.

“Yeah.” I turned back to Garrett. “Sorry, you were asking?”

“Later.” He looked so bummed, but I didn’t know how to comfort him.

“Okay. I’m sorry.” He shrugged and gave me a half smile.

“Where are they?” Case butted in.

“Probably making out. Cayxon! Get out here!” I yelled as I walked into the living room.

“They could never keep away from each other.” Case laughed as he sat on the recliner. Garrett and I took a seat on the couch.

“Now!” I screamed. They walked out a few moments later and I laughed. “Oh Jax, that color of lip gloss does nothing for you.”

“Shut up.” He said, blushing a deep red.

♠ ♠ ♠
Because I didn't do it last time, Anjilika's outfit.
Comment pleasey!