Status: Started, bear with us! :) Comments, please!?

A Kiss in the Endzone

One More Kiss...

I primped myself for going out. Anj, Garrett and Jaxon all wanted to go out and have fun on the town. I slide on the strapless white dress and slid on my hot pink bow belt. Pink feather earrings went on next, then I pursed my lips in the mirror giving the bright pink lip stick a final pop. I walked out into my room sliding on my bright hot pink high heels. I pulled out my I.D. and my cash. I dug in another bag and pulled out a thin pouch like coin purse and slide my I.D. and cash in it. The pouch was thin and small enough I shoved it into the tight bust of the dress.

I made my way finally out into the living room to see them all waiting for me. Jaxon looked all spiff in his dark was jeans and button up white and blue pin-stripe shirt. I smiled at him letting him take my hand and ask, “ready?”

“Yes, now show me what I missed about this city,” I said to him smiling up at him.

“You look stunningly beautiful,” he said whispering into my ear as we walked towards Garrett’s truck. He had offered to drive. I don’t have a car here yet, so I couldn’t.

I smiled up at him, “thanks. You don’t look half bad yourself.”

He smiled and helped me into the back. I made sure not to flash him as I sat down in the back. His frame sat himself next to me seconds later. I smiled up at him and placed my hand on his thigh, which he grabbed and gave it a squeeze.

Finally, we pulled to a spot and parked. Jaxon helped me out of the car and held my hand tightly leading me behind Garrett and Anj. I smiled as we made our way down the main drag towards our first bar of the night. We were early enough that the under 21 were allowed in. I leaned up and kissed Jaxon’s cheek as we pushed are way past a few people. He just smiled down at me. We got to a high-rise table and Jaxon pulled me onto his lap before I could sit on the stool next to him.

“You really do look stunning,” he said wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my bare shoulder blade.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, “thanks.”

He nodded and turned his head to the side and kissed my cheek. Garrett and Anjilika had disappeared already and I didn’t care too much. She was with her secret lover and I was with mine. We were both in our safe bubbles. He smiled and spoke softly, “we don’t have to stay out let. I know your cheerleading is important to you.”

I smiled, “it’s fine. Thanks though.”

“Really, I can get a cab whenever you want to leave,” he said picking up my hand and lacing our fingers. “The other two are already too busy off together already.”

I smiled, “are you saying you want to go already?”

“No,” he chuckled. “Just want to let you know before you get too wild.”

I nodded, “dance?”

He smiled, “you know how crappy of a dancer I am.”

“Yes, I know that’s the one thing God didn’t bless you with!” I said with a huge smile.

“You still go on about that?” he asked me smiling though.

I nodded and stood up holding out my hand for him to take, which he did and lead me out onto the dance floor and spun me out on the floor and I spun back into his chest and looked up at him. I wrapped my arms instantly around his neck and my hips connected with his. He looked at me stunned. I chuckled, “did you forget something?”

“Yeah, I guess I did,” he said and kissed me softly.

I smiled and through my head back, “oh babe you’re in for it now.”

He smiled and rested his hands on my hips, “remind me?”

I smirked, “gladly.”

His moves matched mine, I pushed off him slightly turning and pushing my back into his front. His arms wrapped their way around my front and his left hand roamed lower. I turned my head and looked at him, “I think we better go.”

“Why?” he asked softly.

I chuckled, “just don’t get too far from me.”

“Damn it,” he said groaning. “You’re horrible to me.”

I smiled and tugged him out of the club, “come on.”

He followed closely. I tapped the window of a cab parked outside and the driver nodded. I slide in seconds later with him. I spoke the address back to the apartment and the cab was off. I pulled my phone from my cleavage and sent a text to Anj saying we left.

Once to the apartment, I handed the drive money then pulled Jaxon up to the apartment. After fumbling for the key in my bra pouch, we were in. I looked up at him, “I’m sorry I tortured you tonight.”

“It’s alright babe,” he said walking towards the bathroom. I bite my lip, I felt bad. He looked back at me, “I’m just going to…”

I nodded and walked over to him. I leant up kissing him. He groaned and pulled me closer. He broke from my lips and kissed my neck lightly then spoke, “I know you’re not ready for that step again yet.”

I looked at him, “I feel bad though.”

He shrugged and kissed me, “I’ll be fast.”

“You sure?” I asked cupping his cheek.

“One more kiss,” he said cupping my face and kissing me roughly.

I returned it not letting him pull away. I placed my hand on his hip and gripped his shirt in my hand. His mouth parted slightly with mine. I bite down on his lip and tugged it slightly, letting a groan escape his lips. He pulled away, “we shouldn’t yet.”

I nodded and pushed my hair behind my ear letting him escape into the bathroom. I sighed when he closed the door and walked into my bedroom. I kicked the heels off into my closet and pulled the belt off my frame placing it to the side. I threw my blanket onto the sheet-less bed. I pulled my earrings and set them on my dresser. I blew out a large breath and looked around. I dug in my bag pulling our shorts and a tank top. I dug in one of the boxes and pulled out some pillows and threw them onto the bed. I dug out a few more blankets from the bottom. I pulled the sheet over the mattress. I threw the blankets on the bed then reached back to unzip my dress.

The bedroom door opened slowly and Jaxon walked in, “need help?”

“Please?” I asked looking at him.

He nodded and unzipped the dress. I pulled the tank top over my dress then let it slide down to the floor. I slipped my shorts on then crawled under the blanket on my bed. Jaxon followed suit soon after. I curled into his side. He pulled me close and smiled, “sweet dreams dear.”

“Night Jaxon,” I told him softly. He smiled and kissed my forehead causing me to smile and snuggle into his chest more.
♠ ♠ ♠

Clubing/Night Out Outfit