Status: Started, bear with us! :) Comments, please!?

A Kiss in the Endzone

Can I Wash Your Hair?

I woke up the next morning entangled in the few blankets in my bed with Jaxon’s arm snuggly around my stomach as he snored lightly with his faced buried into the pillow. I rolled over and kissed his cheek, “Jaxon.”

He groaned and shoved me away slightly. I heard a voice startle me, “he likes his extra five minutes of sleep.”

I looked up and saw Garrett standing in the doorway. I nodded and wiggled from the bed. I stretched revealing my belly button slightly. I smiled and walked over and kissed Garrett’s cheek, “morning.”

“Good morning,” he said smiling. “Anj wanted me to make sure you were up.”

I nodded and stole his cup of coffee and dug in my bag for clean clothes to wear to try outs. I smiled when he quietly cursed. I sipped the cup and looked over at Jaxon sleeping still. I looked back at Garrett, “don’t you guys have practice this morning?”

“Don’t have to be there till like ten today,” Garrett said smiling.

“How nice of Mack,” I said smiling.

“Wanted us to rest up since yesterday’s practice was a real toll on us in the heat,” Garrett said watching me.

I nodded and smiled, “I’m going to shower. Could you give me a ride to try outs?”

“Of course,” he said and smiled.

I nodded and disappeared in the shower. I turned around and looked at him, “by the way, I love the hicky.”

“What?” he grabbed his neck. “Ah shit.”

I chuckled and walked into the bathroom. I set my stuff on the counter and slipped into the shower. Stupid me left the door unlocked. I’m not use to having these men in the house anymore. I peaked my head out to see Jaxon’s sleepy figure about to take a piss. I bit my lip and closed the curtain again.

He went to flush and I smacked his hand freaking him out. I held the curtain to my chest and smiled slightly, “sorry didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Jezz how long have you been in here?” he asked scratching his messy head of hair.

“Not even five minutes,” I said smiling.

He lent forward and kissed me, “can I join?”

“Oh how tempting is that,” I said against his lips.

“Yes or no?” he asked smirking.

“I got to get ready to go to try outs babe,” I said pouting.

“No monkey business, I promise,” he said smiling.

“Fine lock the door,” I said sighing.

He reached over and unlocked it and slipped down after stripping. God, why’d you have to make him so sexy? He smiled and moved under the water and smiled, “can I wash your hair for you babe?”

I chuckled, “I’d love that.”

He smiled and squeezed the bottle of shampoo in his hand and started to lather up my hair putting it all on top of my head. He smiled and turned me around, “wash my hair?”

“You’re too tall,” I said chuckling.

He pouted, “I see how you are.”

I smiled and leant up and kissed him, “love you.”

I moved around him and rinsed my hair. He began to wash his own hair and we switched spots afterwards. I lathered up with conditioner. I grabbed my loofah and squeezed soap on it. He took it from me and started to scrub my back. I just lent my head forward and moaned softly.

“Did you just moan?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, it feels good,” I said smack his chest.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my sides. He turned my head to the side and kissed me smoothly. I cupped his cheek in my hand. I turned in his arms and he smirked into the kiss, “thought no monkey business?”

“You are making that hard,” I said biting my lip.

“Don’t do that,” he groaned.

I leaned up and whispered in his ear, “I’ve missed your touch Jaxon.”

He did his best not to touch me but watched me close. I smirked knowing what I was doing to him, “the way you kissed me.”

I ran a finger down his chest and spoke, “the way you said my name.”

He couldn’t take it anymore his hand moved down my slender side. He dipped his head down and kissed my neck. His hand gripped my hip. I smirked and pressed my body against his, “the way your body feels against mine. The way it seems to fit like a glove.”

He smirked, “I missed all that too.”

“Show me how much you missed me Jaxon,” I said whispering up at him.

He nodded and lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist, “no backing out now.”

I smiled, “show me.”

He nodded and kissed me softly.

I heard someone pound on the bathroom door and yell when we finished, “hurry up Calyn! I don’t want you to be late!”

I kissed Jaxon’s cheek and slipped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my frame. I spoke behind the door, “I’m about done, don’t worry!”

“Quit fucking Jaxon and hurry up,” I heard Anj say.

“Shut up! Go cuddle up with Garrett or something,” I said through the door.

Jaxon kissed my cheek. I smirked up at him and got dried off and slipped on my underwear then pulled on my sports bra. He pulled his sweats on, stole my comb, and started to brush his hair. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I slide on a pair of shorts and began to dry my hair after I got my brush back from him.

He stole the blow drier from me and I started my makeup. I looked up at him and smiled, “are you seeing this?”

“Seeing what?” he asked.

“You are such a girl with your hair!” I said poking his side.

“Shut up and apply that junk to your face,” he said fixing his hair then pulled his cap off the sink.

“See you did all that work to put a hat on your head,” I said smirking.

“Shut up,” he said and opened the door to walk out.

I grabbed his waist and pulled him back, “I love you.”

He smiled and kissed my nose, “love you too.”

I smiled and let him go and finished getting ready. I pushed my tennis on and grabbed my duffel, “Garrett!”

“What?!” he yelled back.

“I’m ready to go!” I said from the living room.

I stood waiting for a second then he came in and said, “sorry. Let’s go.”

I nodded and walked out of the house. Once in the truck I looked at Garrett and smiled, “you and Anj are perfect together.”

“Uh yeah,” he said not sure what to say back.

“Really you too are,” I said smiling.

“Thanks?” he asked looking at me.

“You’re welcome,” I said smiling over at him.

He dropped me off in front of the building, “do you need a ride home?”

“I’ll just take the bus,” I said smiling.

“You sure?” he asked.

“Yeah, you and Jaxon will be at practice and who knows what Anj has planned,” I said smiling.

“Well good luck,” he said as I stepped out.

“Thanks!” I said and hurried off into the building.

Today was going to be a good day I feel. I just hope try outs go well and I make the team so I can cheer on my boys of the Longhorns! Here it goes, let’s do this!
♠ ♠ ♠
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