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Bandersnatches and Scapegoats

13 October 2011

Uggs were always hideous, simple and yet obnoxious things. They were ugly two years ago when they were popular, and they are infinitely more ugly all these years later when you choose to wear them to school and tuck your pants into the rims. You've worn them so often that the creases that form when you walk have embedded themselves deeply into the cheap material, crusted with foot grime and century-old dirt like the fleshy backside of an elderly hobo.
There are very few things I am proud of when I look back at my time spent in middle school. One is my 13-page baby on biological warfare in World War II. The other is never buying, or even considering buying a pair of Uggs. It doesn't matter if they're knock-offs or not, if they're comfy and smelly, if they're sewn together by underaged workers in the sweatshops of developing countries. They are the most hideous wastes of money and on your gigantic feet make you look like a severely physically and mentally challenged bear. Your bow-legged duck-walk isn't helping, either.

So I cannot help but think, trekking up the stairs of the bandersnatch High School for fifth period. They--the stairs--are at a curiously steep angle, so one is either forced to stare awkwardly at someone's rear all the way up, or are repeatedly heeled in the jaw by the particularly rotten looking pair of Uggs on the bear feet of the female in front of you.

Fashion is so weird. Mostly because people cannot really tell the difference between what is just tasteless, and what's downright trashy. The flesh-coloured dress that stops way over three inches above the knee? Trashy. All pencil skirts on people with butts? Trashy. Black leggings, Uggs, short collared shirt? I'll save you the trouble and just post what street-corner you'll be standing at all night on the bulletin board in the main entrance.
Really, the only thing it says about you is you're willing to look ridiculous for attentions most say they don't want. Especially at a damn Catholic school. I've seen classier people at Central. What's the deal?
The smoky black dramatic eyeliner and the straightened-to-death hair and the slightly sparkly foundation just kills me. They're really terrific life-masks, I gotta say, and in some ways it's quite fitting for the high school scapegraces, but for some reason it makes me want to tear my eyes out for the hypocrisy of it all.

At the Robotics team meeting we didn't do much. My four-man-plus-freshman individual group were dubbed the most nerdy, most talkative, most lazy bunch in the lot, and it's really saying something among those guys.
Our project's name is Babylon 4, which we thought was pretty clever, but the other two juniors seem to have dubbed it "Stinky". Poor Babylon 4 isn't coming along quite as quickly as we'd hoped; in fact, we're pathetically far behind everyone else on the team.
British exchange student with a fervent love of Mountain Dew and Butterfingers introduced me to Angry Birds. I'm not feeling the craze, but I definitely feel the appeal.

Gotta finish my journalism piece for the Zombie Apocalypse. Should I post it on here when I'm done? Maybe.
Not much happened today. Or if it has, I can't remember.
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Leave the light on for me.