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The Prince of Sevenfold

Personal Invite

‘Just what I want to do; sit on a damn throne beside my father with a sac in my lap full of rolled up parchment as we move down the street on a giant float. Of course this things had to look exactly like my father’s head right? We have to ride at the top where the hair goes, is that really how a king should present themselves? Whatever its time to do something he won’t approve of.’ The prince had a smile on his face as he stood atop of the moving float and carefully made his way to the side where the latter awaited him.

The prince heard gasps as he stepped onto the street the float kept moving for a few feet before the operators figured out they were missing a royal. By the time anyone noticed where exactly the prince was he had begun to walk down the pathway, narrowly missing the hands grabbing at him across the barrier guarded by policemen. He kept a steady pace, leaving the float behind with his baffled father sitting atop it. As he walked the prince studied his surroundings, he looked to the people on the right a few of them caught his attention.

There was an elderly man with gray hair holding up a boy who looked to be around seven; the prince knew exactly who that man was, his uncle. He prince smiled to himself and walked towards the old man. The man had a frail smile and looked ahead as the prince handed his grandson a rolled up piece of parchment. The prince could tell by the color of the elderly man’s eyes that he was blind. “This is for you and your grandfather, make sure you read it to him okay?”

The boy nodded enthusiastically letting the price continue his walk down the stone path. The next person who caught his eye was a bald little girl probably around eight, in a pink dress. The prince walked towards the girl and kneeled to her level that is one thing a royal doesn’t do in public. “I hope you will reserve a dance for me at the ball.”

The girl looked like she was about to faint as the prince walked even further down the road, only stopping when he saw someone else who looked ill or down on luck. He passed out at least thirty invitations to the poor, ill and elderly. The rest he reserved for a pretty lady here and there. In all he had passed out forty six invitations by the time he got to the end of the cobblestone path. He turned to his left and saw three men who looked to be well, a cloaked figure standing behind them. The prince advanced on the group intent on getting a look at the mystery person’s face. As he approached the four men he handed three of them invitations.

As he held the last invitation he turned to give the mystery person his last piece of rolled up parchment but they were gone. The prince turned his head left and right looking for the cloaked figure. When he spotted his target turning down an alley between two old stone buildings the prince bolted after it. Everyone in the crowd gasped as he pushed his way through, all of them trying to get the ‘feel’ of him. When he broke free of crowd the prince darted down the road until he came upon the alleyway, he ran down the dingy walkway until he made it to the end. He looked left and right, seeing a large park across the street; he took the chance. He had to meet this mysterious person no matter what it took.

The prince could hear his father’s guard’s feet hit the stone behind him; he quickly made his way into the park and searched every nook and cranny he came across. Just as the prince was ready to give up and call it quits he spotted the cloaked figure sitting on the park bench. With his father’s guards in tow he made his way to the bench, excusing the six men who were following him. He took a seat next to the stranger.

“Why did you run, I merely wanted to give you an invitation?” The prince spoke holding the piece of paper out for the hooded figure to take, they didn’t.

“I will not be attending your ball your highness.” A gruff and very male voice replied the man stood, knocking away the prince’s arm; sending the invitation flying. The prince followed suit but grabbed the strangers arm.

“Why do you disrespect me so?” The prince nearly growled wheeling the man around to face him, the cloak fully shadowing the man’s face.

“I will not be your princess.” The man growled wrenching his arm from the princes grasp. He turned, getting ready to walk out of the park.

“You are hardly a princess I any matter now aren’t you? Disregarding the fact that you are a man you are disrespectful, gruff and so far somewhat violent.” The prince stated attempting to push the man’s buttons.

“Don’t even act like you know me you may be a prince but you do not know it all. Yes I am gruff but I am not disrespectful towards anyone who doesn’t deserve it.” The cloaked man spoke, halting his actions.

“Why do I deserve it exactly, all I asked was for you to come to a ball.” The prince stated exasperatedly while tossing his hands up in the air in a surrender motion.

“I watched you pass out those invitations today to people who are needy that alone was a noble action. You also invited women who could possibly become your wife in just days. Of all the people you could invite why me; a healthy male who can fend for himself and is not having financial problems? A male of all things, go invite another woman!” The mystery male pondered, his back was still to the prince.

“Yes I invited men, women and children who need a bit of a pick me up in life but I also invited those who I see fit to marry,” The prince stated, stepping up behind the broad shouldered man he placed a hand to the small of the others back and whispered in his ear “men and women.”

“You do not know me personally so once again prince Haner; find someone you see fit to marry, someone who you are actually compatible with.” The cloaked figure stepped away from the prince’s touch and began making his way out of the park.

Brian stood there baffled; no one had denied any of his invitations all day except this one man. For some reason that denial made Brian feel weird, like he had been rejected for the first time in his life. This is defiantly one of those things in life the prince doesn’t understand.
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