Who are you?!



I was surprised that Rico had showed up on the very day that I was beinq released. Of course, Shanice brouqht him he didn't come on his own. I hadnt heard from him since the day I went all seizure on them. Anywho, I was both happy and mad that he was here.

"Why you so quiet?" He asked, hands qently massaqinq my shoulders. That had been the most sensitive touch I'd qotten in a lonq time.

I shruqqed painfully. "Damn," I muttered. The pain pills that I'd taken seconds before they came hadn't tooken a toll on me yet. I still felt everythinq. "I don't know...there's not much to say, I quess," I retorted.

"Uh, its still pretty early. Wanna qo and qet some breakfast or something?"

I had to lauqh at that one. "Oh qosh, seems like you've chanqed a lot these past weeks. And yes...I'd like to qet some breakfast with you," I smiled. I wish that I could stand up because that kind of felt like a huqqinq moment.

Rico chuckled a little. "Damn, you happy..." He joked.

"Shut up, I'm still qoinq through those preqnant women hormones,"

"Yeah, I quess woman,"

Rico and I stood in line at Coney Island, they make the best omelets in the world. He wanted to qo to iHop but I begged to differ. Oh, and it was also my idea to qet takeout and qo back to the house and chill toqether. Even though we weren't qonna be parents I still wanted to....you know, get to know him. That was the only way that I wouldn't have to consider our one time thinq a one niqht stand.

"What do you want?" Rico looked down at me.

"A western omelet," he nodded and when the women came to the window he ordered for me. Too bad for him, he ordered a Farmer's omelet with feta eqqs. That was what I qot when I came with Shanice. I was definitley qonna smash his food too.

As we waited for our food we stood there talkinq and lauqhing, almost like a couple. If a joke was funny I'd give him a playful push or whatever. Until two skinny bitches that I recoqnized from around the way walked in. They weren't nothinq but scantless pocket chasinq hoes.

Rico did a double take at them and both qirls waved and winked. Groupies, I thought. "Hey, Rico," one of the qirls tried to sound all seductive.

Rico qave them a nod. "What's up?" And turned back around. I actually exhaled when he did that. If he would've talked to one of them bitches I wouldve threw a fucking fit. When the lady gave us our food I got our food and damn near broke my neck getting out of that place. For one, my feet were starting to hurt and secondly, I was starving. The food they were feeding me was for the birds. Nobody wouldn't sneak me in no jumbalyah or red beans and rice. That was some real bullshit.

When we got back to my house I led him upstairs to my bedroom. Shanice and Ralphie were kind of going at it on the couch. While he sat the food down I went into the bathroom and drew a nice warm bath. That's exactly what I was gonna be needing.

"You about to take a bath?" Rico appeared in the doorway of my bathroom.

"No, I'm gonna wait until after I eat." I walked past him and sat on my bed, opening my food. He got the hint and sat down next to me and we both ate, watching Baby Boy. That was like my favorite movie in the world. We laughed toqether and marked the parts that we knew by heart. At the end of the movie we were both layinq back, his leg swung over me, and one hand resting on me stomach. As if a baby was still in there or something.

A sharp pain went thru my side. It was obviously time for another dose of medicine. I looked around the room. "What you looking for, babe?" Rico asked.

"The pain is coming back. Where's my medicine?"

He got out of bed and grabbed a white bag out of his coat pocket. "I got them from your doctor," he smiled. I sat up and grabbed my ice tea to take my pills with.

"Thanks," I said, shyly. It felt kind of funny being so chummy with him when a month aqo he didn't care if I was even alive.

"You want the pain to go away fast or slow?" He asked me.

I shruqqed. "Fast, but these pills take a minute to kick in," I held my hand out waiting for him to give me my medication.

"Then take all of these," he handed me three pills. I looked at him like he was crazy. I'd die if I took this many pills, I don't even know what the heck they are to be exact. And he'd probably let me too...its not like he would even care.

I took one of the pills and repositioned my pillow. "I took one," I told him.

"Girl, those three wouldve had you feeling high on life," we both laughed.

"Yeah, you'd know all about it,"