

The reason why I love to checking my e-mails all day because my e-mails were priceless. I can watch the world from any point of views. It doesn’t meant that I don’t have real friends! But, I’m bored making friends with them. They didn’t make me know what’s happen in any countries.
I’ve got a lot of friends in my e-mail! Fukuda from Japan, Honi from Hawaii, Pippa from England, and Russell from America. But, I usually talk to Russell.
Russell was twenty-two years old guy from Fairfax, America. He was a small-town guy, wants to escape to Los Angeles, funny, cool, laid-back, writing songs, and freak. He wants me to call him freak but I’m not so sure that he’s real freak! REALLY! But he didn’t want to give me one of his songs. He didn’t want me to know. That’s so mean, right?
I’m just a seventeen years old girl from Surabaya, Indonesia. I was a big city-girl, nerd, a concert weirdo, a music fan, cheaping like a bird, laid-back, write a blog about some indie bands.. Well, spending time with writing songs.
We are different. So different. But, honestly, I love Russell. He was amazing. SO ama-zing. But, I’m totally sure Russell not gonna love me back. Why? Because he spent his time to wrote songs about his crush. I don’t know (and don’t want to know) what’s her name.