
Oceans Between Us

The last mail that I wrote is on Jule 25th,2011 and Russell didn’t answer it. But I actually want to know what was Russell thought about Wireless Festival and Java Rockin’ Land. But there’s still no any answers from Russell. Where is he? Is he mad with me? Is he blocked his e-mail? Is he deactivated his e-mail? Where is he?
It’s November 25th, I’m sit in resto of Ritz-Carlton hotel, checking my BlackBerry and wish I’ve got new e-mail from Russell. I still miss him. But where is he? We’re not talking maybe for three months! Where is he?
Have I told you what I’m here for? Oh no, haha. Well, I’m here, waiting for The Downtown Fiction. I’ll do an interview with the guys. It’s gonna be awesome and I must stop to think about Russell. He was just a cyber-guy.
“Oh, here’s Miss Ayunda!” I’ve heard someone said. I turn my head and catch The Downtown Fiction (with Wes Dimond) and a promoter was looking at me! They walking to me and greet me. I greet them too and shaking hands.
“Well, Ayunda,” David said. “Lovely name.”
I’m giggles. “Thank you, David.”
We were sat together.
“So, guys,” I’m started. “Actually, I’m your huge fan.”
“Oh really?,” Eric said. He’s laugh. “That’s awesome!”
“I see, I see,” Wes said. He was looking to my fist. Oh, my The Downtown Fiction wristband. Anyway, I’ve got a lot of band wristbands! “I see!”
I’m giggles again and suddenly feels nervous. Well, I’m never feel so nervous to interviewing band before! What’s wrong with me?
“Okay guys,” I said. “Ready for interviewing?”
“SO READY! Hit it up!” Eric says.
“I love your enthusiasm, Eric.”
I push “Record” button on my tape recorder and we start the interview. “So, what’s up, The Downtown Fiction?”
“Heeyyy!!” they said.
“So guys, have you heard about Indonesia before?”
“Actually no,” Cameron said. “I’ve just heard about Indonesia. Actually, I didn’t so know about Indonesia. But, I feel that will be fun to be here. Indonesia was in Asia and this is a cool opportunity.”
“Okay. So, Back in March the band released Best I Never Had. Seven months later, how would you say the reception has been?”
“Really surprising, actually.” Cameron said.
“It’s been really cool that that’s come out like seven months ago and people are still digging the songs.” David said
“It’s pretty abnormal for an EP, to be able to get that much life out of it and see people still kind of responding to it,” Cameron said. “It’s been pretty crazy for us as a band that hasn’t even put out a full-length.”
“How has your relationship with Photo Finish Records been at this point?” I ask.
“Awesome!,” Eric said. “They were a great label. Really cool to be working with them.”
“Wait,” Cameron said. “What was your name?”
“Ayunda,” I said. “Ayunda Stella. Is that something’s wrong?”
“Are you a music blogger?”
“Cameron!,” Wes said. “She was from extraordinairies.music!”
“Dude,” Eric said. “I’m totally remember you’re checking some networks. That will be funny that you don’t know about Extraordinairies Music.”
I’m giggles. But, actually, I still confused. What’s wrong with Cameron?
“No, no,” Cameron said. “I know about Extraordinairies Music. And,” Cameron look at me and it feels… Different. “I think I know Extraordinairies Music so well.”
“What?” Wes said.
“Well, well,” Cameron said. “Keep the interviews on!”
“Okay” I said.
I still confused. Is that something’s wrong?