
A Wonderful Surprise

Me and Cameron was sat in the side of swimming pool. We dip into the pool feet. We were talking about anything but it’s not an e-mail! Haha.
“My full name was Cameron Russell Leahy,” Cameron said. “And I’m from Virginia. It’s funny that you didn’t know my middle name.”
I’m giggles. “It’s really funny that we finally met here.”
“Yes. It’s shocking.” Cameron giggles.
“So, how about girl that you crush on?”
“Miscommunication. I’m totally move on without her.”
I’m giggles.
“Besides,” Cameron was looking at me. “I think I’m fall in love in the first sight.”
I’m looking at him too. We were leaned, so close, and…
“Oh!,” I said. “I’m sorry, Cameron––“
Cameron was holding my hand and said, “You’re the best I never had. You’re a wonderful surprise for me.”
I think I’m blushing now haha. We were quiet for a seconds, looking for each other, leaned, so close, and…. Our lips were touching. It taste sweet, warm, and soft. His kiss didn’t killed like a vampire. That kiss were soft and we end it softly.
We laughed. “Well,” I said. “I think that was my first kiss.”
Cameron giggles. He leaned and kiss me again.