Status: kEEP oR kILL?

Live. Laught. Love.

What does Knock-Outs, Drama Class, and Romance have in common? Us!

Have you ever gone through a situation or finished reading a story and though what the hell just happened? Well, that how I fell every time I look back and think about the stuff I’ve been through. the funny think is I wouldn’t change a minute of it. When I went to live with my brother I wasn’t expecting what I got.

And to think it all changed because I didn’t want to take a Band class?

Kaylynn Sheridan moved to New York to get a fresh start and reconnect with her “brother” but no one said it’d be a story book plot with a simple but happy ending. There are a lot of things that have change for both of them. Plus, Kaylynn’s going to have a lot more to deal with then just her “brother”.

Kaylynn soon finds out that her “brother” and his friends are in a world completely of its own where the rules, the regulations, and matters of respect are altogether different for the world run by society. It’s dangerous and bloody but like what Kaylynn will learn ... once your in ... you can help but want to stay.

What’s life with out a little adventure?

[R]= Violence, Sex, Profanity, and Cheetos knows what else I can come up.

And don't be a Silent Reader. Tell me what you think, what you like, what you dislike and what you hope for...I'm Interested. with Love A.M.

@ I own everything in this story.
  1. Chapter 1
    Lots of Bouncing Around in my Past.
  2. Chapter 2
    Meet Joey….No…Meeting Jojo and Friends
  3. Chapter 3
    One Steps Back and Two Step Forward.
  4. Chapter 4
    Breathe Slow Count from 1 to 10 With Your eyes Close.
  5. Chapter 5
    Trusting, It Can Mean So Many Different Things.