All or Nothing


It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

My best friend and her boyfriend were supposed to live happily ever after. I was supposed to find my own boyfriend, nothing like him.

I wasn't supposed to be in the situation I was in right now.

Lisa had been my best friend since we were little kids. She moved across the street from me when I was five, and she was eight, and since then, we were practically inseparable. Even when she started dating Alex when she was still in high school, we still spent almost every moment together.

And for that reason, this shouldn't have happened.

I was too young for this. Far too young for the responsibility of human life, or really, any life for that matter. I couldn't keep a goldfish alive for more than a week, let alone... this. This just couldn't happen. It couldn't happen. I hadn't thought of this ahead of time, but really, when it happened, there was no planning. Just the heavy consumption of alcohol, and teenage hormones.

I didn't have feelings for him. I didn't love him, like she did. I thought of him as my friend, and that was it, so, how the hell was I supposed to go through with this? If, I even did, that is.

Truly, I'd never been more confused.

How was I supposed to deal with this? I still had a year of high school left. I still lived at home with my strict parents, and my bratty younger sister. How in the hell was I supposed to tell them?

How was I supposed to tell Lisa? Alex?

I didn't even know if Alex remembered. We hadn't talked alone since the... incident, and he hadn't mentioned anything about it. If he remembered, he surely would of. You can't just have drunken sex with your girlfriend's best friend and act as if nothing happened.

And obviously, something happened. It was written all over this hunk of plastic, with it's signature little pink plus sign.

It definitely wasn't supposed to happen like this.


I downed another shot, eyes scanning the room. Lisa was gone, and Alex was my ride home. He sat across the room, running his fingers over the neck of a beer bottle, staring intently at me. I crossed and uncrossed my legs, hiccuping.

He just watched. I got up, legs shaky, and walked over to him. "Alex."


My legs gave out, and I fell face first into his chest, a drunken mess of giggles. I realized, how sturdy he was, how good he smelled... I just stayed there for a moment, inhaling and exhaling, enjoying the warmth emanating from him.

I felt his hands snake around the back of my neck, and I tilted my head up to look at him, the brown waves of my hair a tangled mess in front of my eyes. He smoothed my bangs away, staring into my eyes. "You're drunk."

"Alexander, you are drunk!" I slurred, punching him in the chest. He grinned. I never noticed how amazing his smile was...

"Autumn bottom!" He sighed, tsking. "What are we gonna do with you?"

I giggled at his old nickname for me, and tilted my head. "Dunno. What are we gonna do with me, Alex?"

He stared at me for a moment, his eyes nearly slits, before leaning closer to me. "I think I know."

"Oh yeah? What are gon-"

And he cut me off with a kiss.

A sweet, long, beer flavored kiss.

And I kissed right back, trying to regain the feelings in my legs that somehow seemed to have been taken away with all the alcohol I drank, and I crawled into his lap. He pulled me closer, hungrily starting to kiss down my neck and shoving his hands in my back pockets. I closed my eyes, and he stopped, looking up at me with his hand on my chest. "Bedroom?" He said, panting.

And I just nodded.

He carried me, and I buried my head in his neck, and I thought about everything but Lisa. I thought about everything but the horrible traitors we were.

And quickly, my clothes were a heap on the floor, and Alex was on top of me, light groans escaping his lips every now and again, and I looked at him, so lost in the moment, I had no words.


"Yeah, Alex?"

"This is our secret, okay?"


"You promise?"

"Swear on my life."

He smirked, leaned down and kissed me, before collapsing in bed beside me, and a few minutes later, I was asleep.