Status: This Is War

I'm Here for You


"Adam!" she screamed as they pierced a knife into his stomach, he cried out in pain. Another man held a gun to his head she jerked against the man holding her trying to break free. She screamed again as the man holding the gun pulled the trigger. "Noo!." she cried out as her partner fell to the side lifeless, his eyes remained open.

She sat up in her bed again in a cold sweat, her heart pounding in her ears, she was shaking. "Adam." she whispered to herself. It'd been over a month since she got back from Iraq, she's barely slept. She seen him every time she closed her eyes. Heard his cry of pain. The rest of her team broke in and shot the men saving her, but hadn't found them in time to save Adam for his gory ending. It should have been her, Adam had a family. A loving wife, a set of twin daughters. Breaking the news to the family was the hardest thing she ever done, handing over his tags with shaking hands. Saying her apologies with a trembling voice. It'd been a long month, a long year really.

Shoving her hair back and swinging her legs to the edge of the bed and getting out of bed she stood on shaky legs leaning most of her weight to her right afraid to hurt her ankle again.

"Zoey?" she looked up to see her mother standing in the door way.

"I can't sleep." she answered as she glanced at the clock to see it was four in the morning. She would wake up every hour, the second she'd get comfortable in her sleep the dreams would come.

"Want me to get your medicine?" her mother asked.

"I-I can get it, you go back to bed."

"Well I was hoping to talk to you about something today."


"A job."

"Mom I didn't know you wanted me out I-"

"No dear! I just want you to get out and have some fun. I know a great way for you to do that, let's go downstairs and I'll make you some hot cocoa."

"Alright." Zoey said as she followed her mother down to the kitchen, she sat at the island.

"You know my friend Rosa?"

"Yeah, why?" Zoey asked with a yawn.

"She has a son named Conner and he has two children, Michelle and Maxwell. His wife died two years back giving birth to Maxwell and Rosa quickly stepped in to help her son so he could continue working his job. She wanted to travel the world for at least a while. I was thinking maybe you could be stepped in for a while, I know how much you love children and you could take Max to the park while his sister is in school. Take the children to the zoo, or something on the weekends. It'd get your mind off things."

"What does Conner do?"

"He's the vice president for Domnix Construction. You know one of the big names for those fancy mansion in the hills and-"

"I know what it is now. So when would I start?"

"Well we can stop by today and you could meet the children, maybe Conner if he gets home early. He tends to get home early on saturdays but heads up to his office to finish paper work."

"Yeah, that sounds nice. I'll enjoy getting out of the house."

"I figured as much. Here you go dear." her mother said sitting a hot cup of cocoa in front of her.