No Looking Back

Chapter 13

*Rose’s POV*

When Frank and Jepha left to go get food, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy about it. I mean they both didn’t hate each other but they would rarely talk to one another unless needed to. I just kept thinking in my head that Jepha better not say or do anything stupid.

Half an hour later a nurse came into the waiting room and told us we could all see Natasha now. Adam ahead of time made sure that Natasha got her own room because she would have a lot of family come to see her. He even asked for them to put more seats in the room. The nurse escorted us to her room and let us in. We practically ran to Natasha’s side.

“How are you feeling Nat?” Bert asked kissing her forehead. Bert was more worried than I was. He really cared for Natasha like his little sister.

“I’m doing fine.” Natasha smiled at him. Bert stepped away as Adam got closer to her. They both smiled and he kissed her. Rick was now awake and lay next to Natasha. He kept asking where his little sister was and when he could see her. We all laughed at how cute he was. The rest of the boy’s hugged and kissed Natasha on the cheek, happy to see she was ok. I grabbed a chair and pulled it next to her side.

“Are you hungry?” I asked grabbing her hand.

“Starving! This hospital food is horrible.” She groaned.

“Frank and Jepha went to go get some food. They should be back soon.” I said laughing. She faced me so no one else could see and raised her eyebrows. I laughed softly knowing what she was trying to say. I softly said, “I know.”

As on cue Frank and Jepha came in with the food. The boys nearly ripped them apart as they all grabbed their food. Jepha handed Natasha’s food and kissed her cheek. She smiled gratefully and eagerly began to eat. Frank pulled another chair next to me and gave me my food.

“Thank you.” I said kissing him.

“You’re welcomed beautiful.” He said winking at me. The room fell quiet as we all ate in bliss. I kept glancing at Jepha and Bert as they both were lowly talking to each other about something. Bert smiled wide and giggled softly in joy. Frank looked up at Bert and they both smiled at each other. I tried so hard not to look so they wouldn’t see me looking but I wanted to know what they were smiling about. I hate being out of the loop.

As we all finished eating, we sat around talking while we waited for the baby to come. Ten minutes passed when we heard a knock on the door. The door slowly opened as a nurse came in and behind her another nurse with a rolling like crib came in. The room fell quiet again with anticipation as the nurse grabbed the baby wrapped in a pink blanket in her arms. Natasha sat up straight and quickly smiled at Adam at her side. All eyes were on the baby as the nurse smiled and gently handed the baby to Natasha.

“She was angel as we cleaned her up.” The nurse said.

“She didn’t make a fuss about anything. She just laid there looking at us with her big blue eyes.” The other nurse said as she looked as some monitors next to the bed.

“Thank you.” Natasha said softly looking at her baby girl in her arms. The nurses made sure Natasha had everything she needed and told her that she needed to be breast feed soon. They left the room and we all crowded the bed. Natasha moved the blanket away from the baby’s face so we could all see her better. She had dark brown hair and icy blue eyes like her father.

“She has everything from you Adam!” Quinn said laughing.

“Well girls usually do look like their father’s more.” Ray said.

“That’s true with me.” I said laughing. Natasha handed the baby to Adam and he cradled her. Rick was closely to him, looking down at his little sister.

“Oh! We forgot to ask earlier but what did you guys name her?” Gerard said. Natasha looked at Adam and they both smiled at me. I looked at them confused.

“Well we already had chosen the name before she was even born but seeing her now, we are pretty happy with the name.” Adam said smiling.

“Well what is it?” Bert asked.

Natasha smiled wide as she looked at me. “Lucy Bell.”

I looked at them surprised. “You gave her my middle name?”

“Yes, and now seeing she has dark hair like you it’s perfect.” Adam said.

“Why? I mean I’m honored and happy but why?” I asked laughing.

“Well you’re my best girlfriend, Belladonna. You mean the world to me and I want my little girl to grow up idolizing someone amazing she was named after.” Natasha said with tears in her eyes.

Tears welled up in my eyes too as I hugged her. “I love you Nat-Nat.”

“I love you too Belladonna.” She let go and took the baby back in her arms. She smiled wide at me. “Do you want to hold her?”

“Yes.” I said smiling. She slowly and gently handed Lucy to me. She was light as a feather as I carried her in my arms. She slowly opened her eyes and starred into mines. She was perfect.

Frank wrapped an arm around my waist as her looked at Lucy too. Her eyes wondered to him quickly and back to me. I smiled at Frank as I motioned for him to grab her. He looked scared as to maybe he was going to hurt her but carefully took her in his arms anyway. A soft smile stayed glued on his face as he slowly rocked her in his arms. After a moment he turned to Bert who was next to him and handed him Lucy. Bert had that stupid silly wide smile on his as he looked at Lucy. I sat back down in the chair as the rest of the boys carried Lucy. Frank shortly joined me and held my hand.

“You’re going to be a great mother one day.” He softly said.

I looked at him surprised but smiled anyway. “What makes you say that?”

“It was just the way you were holding Lucy and how happy you looked.”

“Well I do like kids and hope to have my own one day.” I said softly almost blushing.

He laughed softly. “Well when you do have your own, you’ll be one hot MILF.”

“Thanks Frank.” I laughed holding my stomach. When I calmed down I looked at him smiling softly. “You’re going to be a great dad too.”

“You think so?” He asked blushing.

“Yeah just the way Rick got attached to you and how easy it was for you to take care of him.” I said smiling. He smiled back and softly said thanks. He looked down at his hands as he thought about something.

“What to know something weird?” He said grinning looking back at me.

“What?” I asked.

“I had a dream a couple days ago about me being a zombie.” I laughed at the total randomness as he smiled wide. “It was really weird because I didn’t want to be human anymore. I wanted to be undead. You would come crying to me saying ‘They will hunt you!’ and I would always reply, ‘Let them try.’”

“Whoa bad ass.” I said sarcastically as I laughed.

He laughed shaking his head. “I know. I don’t remember much of it but little parts like us walking in the cemetery and holding hands. We lived in a scary castle on top of a mountain and had two kids.” He paused scratching his head. “I think they were named Morticia and Fester.”

“Wow, sounds like you better lay off watching horror movies so late at night.” I said laughing.

“Maybe I should.” He chuckled softly. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. “You want to know my favorite part of the whole dream?”

“Sure.” I said.

“At one point I asked you, ‘Why are you still with me? I am undead and we could never have a normal life like everyone else. I’ll always be hunted down.’ You simply smiled at me and said, ‘No matter what you do, I’ll always follow you.’” He looked me in the eyes as he squeezed my hand tighter. “Would you always be with me, no matter what I do?”

My heart filled with a warm fuzzy feeling. I probably had a stupid grin on my face too. “Of course Frank. I’ll always follow you to the end of time.”

He smiled wide as he kissed me softly. We were lost in our own little world as we sat there holding each other and feeling complete.
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ugh school is kicking my ass right now. i have no time to write :( but don't worry, once vacation comes I'll have plenty of time to finish this story and make new ones (: xoxo