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When You Thought Hope Had Gone.

Chapter Two

Chapter two.

Third Person’s POV.

Sophia left the room to sort a room out for Ariadne. All could tell that she was angry about Ariadne’s dad. She left Matthew and Ariadne to talk in the living room, not expecting them to talk properly.

“So. Ariadne. When’s your birthday?” Matthew asked. She looked at him wondering why he was asking her this. Just wanting to more about me. She thought. “Uhm, 17th of July 1994.” She said unconfidently. He studied her features carefully then said, “20th of July. Same year.” Ariadne giggled at his humour. Automatically she knew she would fit in with this family.

Eventually her room was ready for her to get into. Sophia had set out clothes for Ariadne to wear tonight in bed and for the following morning. When Ariadne had got ready for bed and was finally at peace she tried to sleep.

Ariadne’s POV.

I lay there restless. I didn’t understand why Matthew and his Nan are being nice to me. I didn’t deserve it. Any of it. My dad drummed that into my head at such a young age, “You don’t deserve this life!” he would whisper in my ear every time he raped me.
After a while I decided to try and sleep. It was a nightmare.

“Get your clothes off you stupid bitch!” Dad yelled at me. I didn’t do as he told me to, he slapped me really hard. I quickly tore my clothes off and curled up in a ball to avoid him. He made me come out of the ball and he unzipped his trousers and took out his package. “No! No! Please no! I beg of you!” I cried. He ignored my pleas and shoved himself inside of me. He would rape me until he was too tired to carry on.

“Ariadne! Ariadne!” I woke with a start. It was sweating. Not from heat, from the nightmare that I had. “Ariadne? Are you okay?” I was panting and rubbing the sweat away from my head. I wasn’t okay. “N-no. N-n-nightmare.” I stuttered.
Matthew took me in his arms and held my head close to his chest. “You can tell me what it was about. Only if you want to .” I looked up at him. He wanted to help me, I knew he did. “It was a nightmare about, about one of my rape experiences.” Matthew’s mouth formed an “O” shape. “Ariadne, come here.” He pulled me closer to his body hugging me tight.

Matthew’s POV

I held her close in my arms. “It’ll all be fine. You won’t see him again. I can promise you that.” I kissed the top of her head. I hoped inside she didn’t freak out. “Thank you Matt.” She wriggled around making herself feel more comfortable and hugged me back. “What for?” I asked “Being there when I thought no-one else would come.”

I held her close. “I’ll be there Ariadne. I will be by your side forever. I promise.” I would be. I would raise her kid, happily. “Thank you even more.” She kissed my chest. I felt happy. I promise to be there for her, the person she holds when she’s upset.

Third Person’s POV

Matthew held her close. He promised to be the best person to her, always. “Matt, I hope I find someone like you. Someone who cares.” Ariadne told Matthew. The truth was, he wanted to be the one for her. He knew in his heart that he loved her, he hadn’t know her for long. But isn’t that what true love is? He asked himself. “Ade,” He spoke he used a shortened version of her name and her face brightened up. “I will be that someone. Always.” With that she sat up and kissed him. “Always be there for me. Always.” She told him softly.

Matthew told Ariadne that he would take her shopping. To get some clothes for her and a crib for her child when they were born. “Matty, I haven’t been for a scan. I don’t know if my baby’s healthy or what.” Ariadne let Matt know. “Matt, she needs a scan. If you don’t make an appointment at the hospital for her, I will.” Nan spoke up. Ariadne didn’t know whether she was having twins or one kid or whether it was a boy or a girl. She didn’t know the essentials.
“I’ll make an appointment today. Hey Ade, why don’t we stop by the docs to get an appointment made?” He asked. She smiled and nodded going over to hug him. Ariadne was glad that Matthew was showing such affection towards her. They cuddled up tight until a kick was felt. “What was that?” He whispered. “The baby.” She giggled. “He loves kicking, but this is showing he’s awake.” Matthew laughed and placed his hand on Ariadne’s stomach feeling for a kick. Just as his hand touched her stomach, the baby kicked. “Wow.” He gasped. “Matty?” Ariadne asked. “Yeah?” Matthew looked up to Ariadne. “Raise the baby as your own?” She asked. With that Matthew stood up and pulled Ariadne in close “Yes. I’ll raise the baby as my own. I’ll always treat the baby as my own.” Always was used a lot this day. “Thank you Matt. And is ‘Always’ like or word our something? We use it a lot.” Ariadne asked him wrapping her arms around his waist. “It can be.” Matthew tilted his neck to kiss Ariadne and she kissed back softly.

They were in the car to the doctors half an hour later. She was going to make an appointment for an ultrasound. “You okay babes?” Matthew asked. Looking at her and the road. “I’m fine. Just thinking about stuff.” She knew in her heart that Matthew wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for one fact. “What kinda stuff?” Matthew asked her. “That if my dad hadn’t raped me and I hadn’t fallen pregnant, I wouldn’t be here. Here with you in this moment. I am thankful for that fact. I needed someone to look after me and love me. You’re that someone.” Ariadne looked at Matthew and smiled. He was lost for words but the only ones that slipped out where, “I love you Ade, so, so much.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah... I don't think this chapter is very good, my friends tell me different.
Again comment and subscribe. Tell me what you think. Please.
- Jackass xoxox