Me or Him?

Chapter Eleven

Jonathan Toews Point of View

I had to stay late after the game because the press wanted to interview me. I really wanted Carmon to interview me though. I really couldn't stop thinking about her. As I made my way to the hotel I thought about where I could take her next. I really wanted it to be special. In the elevator it hit me. I knew exactly where to take her. I couldn't wait to get to my room so I could call her. I opened the door to find her in bed in the arms of Patrick Kane.

"What the hell is going on?! I thought you were different Carmon." Both Pat and Carmon jumped away from each other.

"Johnny, we were just talking," Pat said.

"That didn't look like talking to me."

"We were, she was upset about something, and I was talking to her."

"What was she upset about?"

"Ummm...I'm right here." Carmon said.

"I'm going to leave you two alone," Patrick said awkwardly and we left the room.

"So, nothing happened?"

"No, I was just really upset."

"Why were you upset?" She looked like she didn't want to tell me. "Come on Carmon."

"Everyone was telling me that I only got the job because you put in a good word for me."

"Carmon! That's impossible."

"No it's not."

"No, I mean it's really impossible."


"I sent your review anonymously."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Carmon's Point of VIew>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"You sent it anonymously!" I cried. I jumped into his arms. Screw you mom! I had gotten a job on WGN all by myself. "I'm sorry."

"Me too," he said giving me a kiss." We fell back onto the bed together, kissing deeply. I didn't stop him until we were down to our underwear.

"This isn't going to happen tonight," I whispered to him.

"Not even just a little?" he said playfully.

"But Mr. Toews how can I know that you're committed to me."

"Carmon," suddenly he was serious. "I am committed to you, just no one can know." That sounded weird to me. I made a face. "Think about it Carmon, Jonathan Toews in a relationship with new reporter of WGN radio."

"I guess..."

"Carmon, you are the press, you don't want more press on you. I just don't want things to get messy."

"No, I know."

"I mean, do you even want to be in a relationship with me?"

"Yes, Johnny, yes I do."

"Johnny?! You sound like Kaner."

"Well we all know your secret ambition is to be in a relationship with Kaner."

"Shut up!" He said kissing me some more. I felt amazingly better than a couple hours ago, I had gotten the job by myself and Jonathan Toews and I were in a secret relationship, this could be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this was just kind of a filler chapter, I promise next chapter will be very exciting!

Hawks lead their division right now XD