Me or Him?

Chapter Two

"Carmon right?" Nicholas asked me. I was having a late breakfast alone since Patrick and I stayed up so late talking last night.

"Yeah, would you like to join me?" Nicholas looked delighted at my offer. He asked me almost all the same questions that Patrick did.

After a little while it was my phone that interrupted the conversation. It was only a text though, but a text from Patrick Kane, is said: I'm going for a walk in town soon and I can't seem to find Tazer, would you like to join me?

See the funny thing is that Jonathan Toews was the one sitting across from me. I had recognized him from the second he commented on my bag, but for some reason he wanted to be Nicholas the business man so I played along.

"Well I'm sure you have some important business meeting to attend to." I decided to mess with him, and he thought he was the only one who could play game. Also I really rather hang out with someone who wasn't pretending around me.

"Oh, yes, yes of course," Nicholas said looking rather upset.


"So yeah, it was really weird. I woke up and Tazer was gone," Patrick said once he and I started our walk. I had to stop myself from laughing.

"You guys seem pretty inseparable."

"A lot of people think that, but we just usually tell each other where we are going at least."

"So basically you guys are dating?" Patrick rolled his eyes.

"He's just so dreamy," he said in a high pitched voice. "You think so, don't you?" he said quietly when I didn't reply.

"Well yeah, but it is Jonathan Toews," I said trying to play it cool.

"So, I guess you want me to introduce you to him or something." Now it was Patrick's turn to get quiet.

Now I didn't know what to do. I had always liked Jonathan, well in a fantasy dream kind of way, but now that I've met him all he did was lie to me. Patrick had been nothing but honest, I wasn't sure if it was my place, but I decided to be honest with him.

"I already have." I told him all about my encounters with Nicholas.

"Oh, then he must really like you."

"Why do you say that? All he's done is lie."

"He doesn't want you to only like him because he's famous and a 'Hawk, he wants you to like him for his personality."

"But him being a professional hockey player is part of his personality."

"Well, him and I may be dating, but I don't get everything that goes through his head," Patrick laughed. It was so nice to see him smile again.

"What are we gonna do about Jonathan." And within a second Patrick's smile was gone.

"Look Carmon, don't worry about it, I"ll talk to Johnny, tell him all about this whole mix up. Wait from him to come to you, I'll work this whole thing out." I was so grateful for Patrick Kane.