Me or Him?

Chapter Four

“Dude…I’m sorry,” was the best apology I could muster up.

“You know what Kaner, I wish you weren’t so selfish.” And now Jonathan walked away. His words hung in the air like ice.

Selfish? Was I really being selfish? It was just some girl that we both met like three days ago, we hardly knew her, what’s the big deal? We had girls crawling all over us anytime we walked out of the house, we could easily find another one.

Then again, Tazer did go off the past three days about this girl. And he lied to her to see if something was really there. He’s never done that before. Where does he come up with this stuff?

Shit, how was I going to fix this? Could I just text Carmon and apologize? I might need to come up with a better one though. What if she didn’t want to talk to me? I had lied to her too, I had gotten her hopes up and then selfishly kept her to myself, like she was some prize, but all she was, was some girl who loved the Blackhawks, but didn’t treat us like crap when she met us. She let us come to her, but was always there with open arms. She didn’t follow us around like some annoying groupie.

Wait a second! I know where her room is! I walked her back that night that we met at the bar! I ran there and knocked on the door.


“Look Carmon I’m sorry, I should have told Jonathan that you new, I was selfish I’m sorry,” I said inviting myself in.

“Pat it’s fine, the whole thing was insane anyway. You guys have your career to worry about and I have mine, thank you though.”

And then it hit me, her career! A perfect plan was unfolding in my mind.

“Alright kid,” I said hitting her arm playfully. “Let’s keep in touch though.” She looked confused in my sudden change in tone. “Oh hey! Give me your address, I’ll send you some tickets sometime.” She quickly wrote down her address. “Wait, wait, wait, you live in Chicago, woah! This address is like right next to the United Center.”

“I was born and raised with you guys at my side,” she smiled.

This was all perfect for my plan.

“Maybe I’ll send you some pre-season tickets then.”

“Patrick Kane, you’re the best,” she smiled. She really was beautiful. “Hey, will you say goodbye to Jonathan for me.”

“Of course I will,” I said and I turned to leave.

“Hey Pat!” She called after me. I turned to look at her. “Remember to kick Vanlosers ass.”
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Hmmmm what could Patrick Kane have up his sleeve?