Me or Him?

Chapter Nine

Jonathan picked me up at 6 and we were on our way to dinner. It was a nice restaurant, but not too fancy, which I liked.

"So are you nervous for the regular season to start?"

"Yeah but, me and the team are totally pumped. I really think we can go places this year."

"Yeah, I really need you guys to win the cup again."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Well you see, I was on the train when you guys last won the cup, so I totally missed it."

"What?! You're such a fake a fan!"

"Well then give me the chance to be a true fan Mr. captain!" We both laughed. It was surprisingly easy to talk to him. We settled down from laughing just as the waiter came over.

"So yeah I'm a really picky eater."

"Really? What kind of stuff don't you like?"

"Potatoes, hamburgers, popcorn."

"You're unAmerican!"

"Yeah.. I get that a lot. Well you'll never have to take me anywhere fancy." He was quiet for a minute. Oh no. "I mean..."

"No, no, I'm having a really great time. You just deserve the best."

"Well pizza and chicken are the best for me." We were back to laughing again. A couple minutes after we got our food my phone went off. "I'm so sorry I'll just ignore it."

"No it's okay you can pick it up."

"It's from a number I don't know, it's not you calling me again is it?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm not calling you, pick it up, trust me." What did he mean by that?

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hi, is this Carmon Edison."

"This is she." I gave Jonathan a look. He just nodded at me.

"This is WGN radio, and we got a sample of your writing, we would like to hire you to write reviews of the Blackhawks' games for our website."

"WGN radio! Yes! Yes! I would love to do that." He gave me the address and told me to go in on Monday and we would work out the details.

"Congratulations!" Jonathan said to me once I got off the phone.

"Did you do this?"

"I might know a guy."

"Thank you so much, you have no idea, this is a dream come true!"

"You're writing is really good, you put so much passion into it, I felt like I was watching the game when I read it. You know what this means right?"

"And what could that be?"

"I'll have to take you out again for a celebratory dinner!"


"Honey I'm so proud of you!" My dad said when I told my parents the news.

"Thank you so much for encouraging me to just review the game."

"Well to be honest with you, I didn't really want to get into a fight with another fan."

"Honey." My mom said. She hadn't said anything yet regarding the news.

"Yes mom?"

"Are you sure they are hiring you for the right reasons?" Suddenly my happiness started to sink.

"What are you talking about?"

"Jonathan Toews gave you a recommendation, do you really think they were going to turn that down?" Why did my mom have to ruin everything?
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Thank you so much for reading!

More to come over the weekend!