Status: Feel free to comment if you feel like there's anything that I need in this story (:

Don't Push My Limits

Chapter #1: I hate my family.

** Gerard's P.O.V **

Life in new Jersey was just like living in any other city around in America. Just the fact that it could be extremely warm during summer and that most super stars or famous people came from here, and famous stuff on T.V. was filmed there.
But if you weren't famous or was in a T.V. show or something resembling to it, then school was the right place for you.

Gerard sighed. He sighed over the fact that he had accomplished absolutely nothing this summer, he had wasted it on sleeping in and not caring much about getting new friends. Even his brother, Mikey, had gotten out in the sun and got a bit tan - which was a real huge surprise 'cause little Mike was never, and had never been into stuff like that. Now that school was right around the corner - practically the very same day.

" So do you have everything you need ?" Mother Donna nagged. She had been like this all morning. Asking both Gerard and Mikey about them brushing their teeth, eating their breakfast and much more like that. " Yes mom, we have everything we need " Gerard answered a bit irritated. " Alright then, if you say so my little honey pop" Donna said pinching his cheeks. Gerard sometimes found it pretty cute, but not today. It was only annoying this morning.

" Alright then, everybody ready for the family picture ?" His father asked strolling into the kitchen with the camera in his hand. He flicked a bit on some of the buttons on it. It was probably to edit the pictures or something.
Both Gerard and Mikey nodded and they gathered around the dinner table wile their mother held around them. "Okay, smile everyone" Their father said before snapping three pictures of them.

After finishing their little photo session at home, Gerard and Mikey got out of the house as fast as they could. They knew that getting out of the house before their parents made them do even more stupid and embarrassing things would be the best.

" So are you exited for this year ?" Gerard asked Mikey. " Naah " He groaned. Mikey was usually not exited for so much. " Me neither " Gerard nodded. Those were the the only words the two of them exchanged before the school bus arrived.
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