Status: Feel free to comment if you feel like there's anything that I need in this story (:

Don't Push My Limits

Chapter #3: I hate School.

** Gerard's P.O.V **

Have you ever walked down a hall and felt like everyone looking at you, judging you and talking about you ? That was how Gerard felt every single time he walked into that long slim and not to mention crowded hallway, Every single day practically. They gave you ugly looks, starred and chattered and laughing all the time.

He held tightly onto the two books in this hands. One of them was for art class and the other was something he had to return to the library right after art class. " Hey there faggot dude " Some of the bullies yelled behind him. he started walking a bit faster even though he knew that they couldn't mean him. Only Mikey, his mom, Bob and Ray knew about him being gay. Unless if one of them had said it out. " No " Gerard said shaking his head and walking a bit faster.

When he got to the art room he didn't hesitate at one at opening the door. He pushed it open and rushed to one of the seats in front. He sure hadn't noticed that there was another student in the room, only sitting far behind.

" well you're in a hurry " Someone voiced behind him and caused him to jump a bit from his chair. He turned around. " Um.. yeah " He nodded but couldn't see the guy that had asked him the question. He looked over in every single seat, but still couldn't spot him. " If you're looking for me then I'm standing in one of the corners " The guy laughed before walking out from one of the corners. Gerard laughed back.

The guys name was Frank, they had 9 classes together but they had never really talked properly. " Oh, Hi Frank " Gerard mumbled. He was a bit surprised that he was early for this lesson. Frank was usually the one that was late for classes, but he actually came in time for this one. " So what brings you here so early ?" Gerard asked. " I might also ask you the same question " Frank said mysteriously. " Never mind wile I'm here so early " Gerard shrugged and turned around.
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We've been updating pretty often these days ( 2 chapters in 1 day, WHOA ! )
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