Songs of the Rebellious Teenager


“Pein is dead. God can’t die. He’s God.”

Yuri threw the magazine down on the table with an irritated gasp before settling her gaze on me. “I mean, honestly if I’m going to pay 1000 yen for this piece of crap at least have it be truthful.”

She read magazines. She didn’t enjoy them, though. On a controversial belief, Yuri only read them to insult them. She’d become irritated by the religious articles, sigh about the gossip, and laugh about the weather (always cloudy with a chance of rain). She never expected me to respond to her angry comments and hysterical laughter and I never did. It was just how our friendship worked.

“Why can’t people just realize Pein and the angel are gone? You’d think after three years they’d grasp this with their tiny little brains but no.” She threw up her hands in mock of a religious leader. “Pein is pain. He is treating us true pain by giving us this anarchy and we must-“She growled.” –To hell with that! They’re so lucky I’m poor or I’d hightail it out of this hellhole.”

There was a slight beat before she jumped back up.

“And Naruto! Don’t even get me started on that...” She trailed off in a colorful choice of slang and profanities, words I never knew existed. When she was finished her face was red. “I can’t believe he let Sasuke live. I know it’s old but it’s been 3 years and that bastard is still sitting in that shell. He could be plotting the demise of the world but no-“

The doorbell rang, halting Yuri’s rant on all things wrong with the world. She sighed haughtily and arose from her place on the couch.

And I just sat there.

It was the way of things. Every morning I’d go over Yuri’s house and listen to her complain about everything: boys, weather, news, Konoha, etc. I’d sit there in stoic silence until she kicked me out because some boy wanted to fuck.

She came back into the room and propped a hand on her hip. “Could you…?”

“I’m leaving. Don’t worry.”

I moved quickly out of her house and down the street so that I wouldn't have to hear the sounds of Yuri's screams. That was how her sex-time started. It always started with screams. She once told me that's how she releases her hatred. She releases it through sex. Which is slightly understandable, Amegakure citizens are naturally filled with hatred. It’s been that way since the second shinobi war. In school, they practically burn that hatred into your skull. From the moment of childhood, you hold this hatred, a burden on your heart.

That’s why people here look so sad all the time. They’re stuck with this hatred. This deep loathing of war, of crime, of our way of life, and to take away the pain, we become addicted to things. There are those who use drugs, those who use, and those who use music.

When you walk down the streets of Amegakure, it’s everywhere. Prostitutes touching themselves and making lewd comments as you walk by, teenagers smoking blunts on corners, and music surrounding the air in loud, bright colors. That is how Amegakure looks at 5 a.m. It is the time of day when it’s dark enough to do naughty things but light enough to know if there is a creepy man in the alleyway. This is the time where you really see Amegakure in its rawest form. Honestly, I hadn’t even taken a step onto the front porch before a muscular arm blocked my path. I looked up and there stood a raunchy looking man, looking down at me and smiling.

“I think you owe my friend an apology, Miss.” His breath made me scrunch my nose in disgust but he didn’t notice. He continued speaking and moved his arm slightly so that I could see a certain deaf boy behind him, smirking triumphantly. “You see, he doesn’t like to be made fun of for his-“He glanced back at Yuhiko.”- disability and I don’t think it was very nice of you to hurt him in such a way.”

He moved and his forehead flashed, baring the hitai aki that the ninjas wore. He was threatening me; there was no doubt about it. But that wasn’t the sad part; the sad part was that Yuhiko thought that I was really scared by his henchman.

Um, no.

“I think you should tell your friend to shove a stick up his ass.” I leveled my eyes up with the man and ducked under his arm. I pushed my key into the lock and opened the door just a bit before turning around. “Now, if you would excuse me, I have business to attend to.”

What had I expected? I don’t know, maybe to have them bow down at my awesomeness. For me and Yuhiko to run into the sunrise, proclaiming our love for each other (this is the part where I gag). Maybe, even have the big hulky guy as our best man.

Yuhiko took a step forward and wrapped his hand around the doorknob. His face inches from mind and a smirk caressing his slight lips. I was prepared for him to proclaim his love for me and then, be brutally, rejected or to have us fuck senselessly like Yuri and her countless boy toys.

“I’d rather shove my stick up yours.”

There was a slight beat before there was a scream. A piercing scream that sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps up the length of my neck.

That scream saved Yuhiko from a punch to the face.

We all turned in the direction of the sound to see several men running down the streets from the West End. Their faces matted with blood, their mouth's stretched wide in what looked like a black hole in the middle of their face, and a disgusting red slithering out of their mouths. They screamed over and over, their voices taking on the same note. The same pattern of voice.

It took me several moments to realize what they had been saying.

Several fucking moments that should have been spent running.