Simply Genius

Sam and Guitar Lessons

I sigh walking out of Psychology, there was something about that Jason kid I didn't like. I don't know what it was... I just don't like him. I look patheically at my scheldule, "Have any idea how to get to Music History?" She looks at me and starts giggling. "No idea." I smile. "You are trying to get to Music History? I'll show you." My attention is pulled to a short boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

Alexis smiles, "That'd be great, I'm pretty sure he'd get lost and go sulk in a corner or something." I Glare at her playfully and she laughs. " I'm Alexis and this is Ben." He grins, "I'm Sam. Do you need any help getting to your next class?" She shakes her head, "I'll see you later Ben." I smile at her, "Bye Lexi." She waves then heads off the her next class.

"Shall we go?" I nod and follow Sam. "Do you like music?" I look at him surprised, "Uh, yeah I guess." He laughs, "You must to be taking this class." I look over at him confused. He sighs. "This is a hard elective, not many people take it beause you have to learn an instrument and the history and stuff of the insturment. It's quite fun." I smile. "I do like music." He grins, "This will be your cup of tea then."

"I guess it will." When we get to the class room I sit next to Sam and wait for the bell to Ring, before it does Cosette flies in and takes a seat next to me. "Hi Stranger." I smile at her slightly and wave, "Hey, your in this class?" She nods, "Yeah, I play the piano. What do you play?" I look down slightly, "The Guitar." She beams, "That's awesome! I've always wanted to learn! Could you teache me sometime?" I nod, "Anytime time you want." "How bout today after school?"

I knew instantly knowing this would become my favorite class. Even if Alexis wasn't in here.
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Update! :D

Story it's Short >.<

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