Look Alive, Sunshine.

Kill All Your Friends

Alice squinted, raising a hand to her eyes as she tried to keep the dust from blowing into them. The barren wasteland yeiled nothing but the poor girl herself; the occasinal tumbleweed rolled by but that seemed to be her only company. She sighed, letting her hand fall to her side. It's not like she wasn't used to being alone; if anything she wasn't used to being around people. the only people she seemed to ru. Into were the ocassional Dracs that loved to try a catch her. But Alice had quickly learned how to defend herself against them; it was ethier that or get ghosted. 

She grabbed her raygun subconsiously, holding onto it tightly in case they tried to sneak up on her. Her eyes narrowed on a distant road sign; lifting her shootig arm, she fired. Her aim was a little off, but she still managed to hit the sign. Smiling to herself, Alice pulled the gun back and cockily blew the smoke away from the barrel. 

"You missed a spot." 

Alice pratically jumped out of her skin at the sound of someones voice. Out of reflex she turned around, pointing her raygun and it's sorce. Her finger hovering over the trigger. "Who are you?" the sun was blocking her vision, regardless of the protective sunglasses she wore over her eyes. The stranger raised his hands above his head in defense, a grin spreading over his lips.

"Depends who's asking." 

Hesitating breifly, she lowered her gun seeing no threat. "Violent Blue. Why do you look so familiar?" she squinted her eyes again, trying to get a better look at him. His flaming red hair reminded her of somebody, of a picture she had seen a few days ago...."Wait!  I know who you are."

Reaching into her back pocket, Alice pulled out a creased wanted ad. Unfolding it, she looked down at the identical picture of the person standing in front of her.

"Party Posion." 

They both uttered the name, her voice echoing how shocked she was, his just complete boredom. Alice took off her glasses completely to get a good look at him. The infamous Party Posion. The one she had been looking for for so long. Wow, she definately didn't expect to met him during one of her target practices.

"Dont look so suprised, it's not that flattering of a look for you." 

"Fuck you it isn't."

Alice shoved her glasses back on before lifting her raygun to eye level once again. Without hesistation she squeezed the trigger a couple of times. This time she managed to hit the sign, dead center all three times.

"How was that, smart ass?" she turned around again, only to find he'd diasappeared. Furrowing her brows, she looked around suspiciously. "That was a little better, but you hesistated a bit on the last shot." There he was, his seductive voice in her ear; for the second time that day she jumped in suprise.

"Jesus Christ! would you stop doing that?" Alice swore, pushing him away from her and trying to give him her dirtiest look; before realizing he couldn't see it behind her dark glasses and banndanna. What she wouldn't admit of course how wonderful it felt to have his hot breath on her neck...

"Why should I? I love the reactions I'm getting out of you." A cocky smirk crossed his pink lips as he looked at her. It may have been the fact that he hadn't run into a girl in forever, or maybe just the fact that Alice had a certian...attractiveness about her. Maybe it was the way she held herself, or maybe it was the fact that she didn't seem to give a damn anymore. But that was the only way you could survive around here after all.
"Again, fuck you. I hit the target dead on! " Alice crossed her arms angrily, even though she silently doubted if she actually had hit the target. She hadn't practiced in a while now, mainly because the Dracs seemed to give up and leave her alone. For now, at least. She had a feeling they were planning something big sometime soon. Very soon. But we'll get to that later.

Party Poison just cracked a smile at her, shaking his head before pulling out his own raygun.
Without any hesitation he raised it to eye level, and squeezed the trigger. Alice watched in admiration as he hit the center of the sign, much like she thought she had. "And that's, how you do it. Don't look so surprised, I've been doing this longer then you have sweetie."

Of course, just as she was beginning to like him he had to go and call her a fucking pet name. That was one of her peeves; She seemed to have so many of them, maybe that's why she was wondering the dessert alone. "Don't call me that. That's not my name." With that, Alice decided to walk away from this encounter. No matter how much she had wanted to meet the infamous Party Poison, no matter how much she wanted to feel his breath on the nape of her neck again, she couldn't stand to be in his presence for another minute.

"Hey, where are you going? Common, it was just a joke." He lowered his arms and holstered his gun before jogging after her. He wasn't ready for their meeting to be done.

"What do you want?"

Alice tried walking faster, she'd suddenly realized why she spent her time alone in this barren wasteland. She wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, and before long, she found herself on the ground, a handful of dirt all over her face. Luckily, she had been wearing her sunglasses this time. Alice laid there on the ground, but she could sense that he was trying to hold back his laughter. "God, how have you survived out here if you can't see a giant rock jutting out of the ground?" With that, he bent over with laughter.

"Shut up. Its not that fucking funny." She growled, between spitting out the dirt in her mouth.

"Yes it is!"

"God, can you shut up for one second and help me up? I think I twisted my ankle."

His laughter had subsided to a few childish giggles now. Party Poison reached down, extending one of his hands to her. Alice hesitated in taking it, not trusting him. "Common, its just a hand. You wanted it anyways. Besides, if you've really twisted your ankle, I've got a car that we can use to get you to where you need to go. Which is where, by the way?"


"Your going nowhere?"

"Yup. I've got nowhere to go. Just take me to the nearest place with food, I guess."

"I've got the perfect place in mind..."

Alice grabbed his hand, raising an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see."
♠ ♠ ♠
And thats the first part. I lied though, this will defiantly become a story in the near future...I'm not sure we're it'll go but I can promise you there will be smut. :D
God damn, I completely forgot how fun it is to write fanfiction haha...